同学你好,很高兴能为你解答关于洛桑联邦理工学院 PhD直招的相关问题。洛桑联邦理工学院在全球环境工程领域极具影响力,其 PhD 项目自然吸引着众多优秀学子的目光。接下来,让我们详细了解一下该项目的直招情况。
洛桑联邦理工学院 PhD 直招的申请时间通常在每年1月。需要提醒的是,由于申请竞争激烈,建议尽早提交申请材料。
以下是该校近期环境工程专业 PhD 直招的相关项目:
PhD Student Opening at EPFL: Indoor Air Quality项目介绍:About the Project
Position summary
EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) invites applications for a PhD student position in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. The PhD position will be based in the Human-Oriented Built Environment Lab (HOBEL) at the EPFL Fribourg campus. HOBEL’s research interest is centered on air quality engineering, emphasizing two main interconnected research themes:
1) Sources, Concentrations and Dynamics in Pollutants in ...申请结束时间:2025-01-15申请要求:HOBEL is committed to investing in the next generation of exceptional researchers, and applications are welcomed from high-caliber candidates. Selected candidates will seek to pursue advanced study that is aligned with HOBEL’s mission. Successful candidates should:· Hold a Master’s degree (or to be near its completion) in Civil, Architectural, Environmental, Mechanical Engineering, or a related discipline.· Be interested in topics related to building sustainability, HVAC systems, ...学历要求:硕士生申请方式:Applicants should send in a single PDF file (max. 3 MB) including a motivation letter describing their qualifications and research interests (max. 2 pages), a CV including GPA, publication list (if applicable) and names / e-mail addresses for 2-3 references to: Prof. Dusan Licina: dusan.licina@epfl.ch with the following email subject: “PhD application – Indoor Air Quality”.Note: To be enrolled in the EPFL PhD program, the candidate also needs to apply, and be accepted, to the Doctoral Progr...奖学金金额及发放形式:Competitive salaries ( https://www.epfl.ch/education/phd/doctoral-studies-structure/doctoral-students-salary/ )点击这里👉查看项目详情
希望以上信息能对你有所帮助。如果你还有其他疑问或需要进一步了解相关内容,欢迎随时咨询。祝愿你在追求学术梦想的道路上一切顺利,期待你能成功申请到洛桑联邦理工学院的 PhD 项目,在环境工程学术领域大展宏图!加油!
885 questions申请截至日期迫在眉睫,你的网申填好了么?还在为看不懂网申的要求苦恼?为不知道填什么答案纠结?
因为我们问达社区里本来就潜藏着很多留学咨询达人。他们伺机出动, 不时的解决大家的留学问题。在这次活动里,小编也成功邀请到他们来帮助解答你们任何网申问题。
像有着5年专业留学咨询经验的Mr.Zhao; 像美国名校金融学毕业,回国从事留学咨询的StellaZ:像哥大传媒学毕业,已经驻扎在美国的热心肠David Liu。
☆ 切忌给这些达人私信啦!他们应付不过来,而且不能确保回复时间。 如果有网申问题,就在这期活动下面提问咯。如果不急着要回复,就进入社区提问,邀请他们回答啦~
☆ 记得一定一定添加Chloe为好友哦,遵循活动参与方式,否则我们不能保证一小时内回复你的问题啦,当然也就不会赔付
☆ 我们不会找借口,找理由,只要你满足活动参与要求,我们就会一小时有问必答!保证逾时赔付!
看到这里,你心里是不是踏实了许多。 那就快来向小编和专业留学咨询师提出你的网申问题吧~