
The London School of Economics and Political Science
MSc in History of International Relations

伦敦政治经济学院MSc in History of International Relations招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方

伦敦政治经济学院MSc in History of International Relations招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。

Department of International History

硕士2025 秋季



Religious Diversity and Conflict in Europe (欧洲的宗教多样性和冲突)
Race, Violence and Colonial Rule in Africa (非洲的种族、暴力和殖民统治)
Latin American Development and Economic History (拉丁美洲发展和经济史)
Turkey and Europe (土耳其和欧洲)
Crisis Decision-Making in War and Peace 1914-2003 (1914-2003年《战争与和平》中的危机决策)
European Integration in the Twentieth Century (二十世纪的欧洲一体化)
Presidents, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy, from Roosevelt to Reagan, 1933-89 (总统、公众舆论和外交政策,从罗斯福到里根,1933- 1989年)
The Napoleonic Empire: The Making of Modern Europe (拿破仑帝国:现代欧洲的形成)
From Cold Warriors to Peacemakers: the End of the Cold War Era, 1979-1999 (从冷战战士到和平缔造者:冷战时代的结束,1979-1999年)
The Iranian Revolution (伊朗革命)
Islam, State and Conflict in Southeast Asia (伊斯兰、国家与东南亚冲突)

伦敦政治经济学院申请时间和截止日期是什么时候那,我们看一下MSc in History of International Relations的申请截止时间是什么时候吧,根据官方显示申请截止时间是2025-04-15

伦敦政治经济学院申请时间和截止日期是什么时候那,我们看一下MSc in History of International Relations的申请截止时间是什么时候吧,根据官方显示申请截止时间是2025-04-27

The London School of Economics and Political Science大学申请条件和要求都有哪些?下面给大家展示一下The London School of Economics and Political Science大学MSc in History of International Relations申请要求和录取条件,雅思需要达到7,托福分数要求是0,听力0阅读0,口语0,写作0都是The London School of Economics and Political Science大学对于申请的要求条件
7.0 /9.0

TOEFL:Overall 100 ;Reading 23;Listening 22;Writing 22 ;Speaking 20 All applicants can be considered for a place prior to providing any English language test results. IELTS/TOEFL results are not an essential part of the application form and you do not need to have already taken them to apply. The selectors will not take language test results into consideration when deciding whether or not to recommend an offer of admission.Please note that degrees taken at an overseas campus of an English speaking institution in a non majority English speaking country (eg Chinese campuses of UK institutions) do not meet our English language requirements and you will be required to supply a test score. Similarly, 2+2 undergraduate degrees, where less than three years has been spent in a majority English-speaking country, will not meet our English language requirments.


If you have not taken a test by the time you apply, your application can still be considered without it, but any offer will be conditional on the required score. We recommend that you take the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or LSE Language Centre's 5 or 10 week presessional programmes. If you are taking a Cambridge test rather than the IELTS, we prefer the Advanced or Proficiency tests.All applicants can be considered for a place prior to providing any English language test results. IELTS/TOEFL results are not an essential part of the application form and you do not need to have already taken them to apply. The selectors will not take language test results into consideration when deciding whether or not to recommend an offer of admission.Please note that degrees taken at an overseas campus of an English speaking institution in a non majority English speaking country (eg Chinese campuses of UK institutions) do not meet our English language requirements and you will be required to supply a test score. Similarly, 2+2 undergraduate degrees, where less than three years has been spent in a majority English-speaking country, will not meet our English language requirments.



Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete, including all references, the transcript and the fee, and where applicable GRE/GMAT scores and your research proposal. Please be aware that all documents are non-returnable.If GRE or GMAT scores are required by your chosen programme(s) it is essential that you supply them at the time you apply. You should include your test scores in the relevant section of the application form, stating the percentile and marks obtained for all three sections of the test. The test scores should be less than five years old on 1 October 2019. The GRE/GMAT is often a vital deciding factor so you will not be able to submit your application without it if your programme requires it.The GRE test can be taken online and also as a paper based exam. The test is about 3 hours and 45 minutes long and there are six sections; one analytical (with two separately timed writing tasks), two verbal reasoning sections, one unscored task (which will appear at random sometime during the test) and one unscored research task.You can register and pay online, but will have to go to a test centre to complete the exam. In the USA the test is $140 whilst outside the USA the GRE costs from $170 to $175. Once you have taken the test it takes 15 days for GRE to reach your chosen institutions. Institutions are able to view your GRE results for the past five years.


Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete, including all references, the transcript and the fee, and where applicable GRE/GMAT scores and your research proposal. Please be aware that all documents are non-returnable.If GRE or GMAT scores are required by your chosen programme(s) it is essential that you supply them at the time you apply. You should include your test scores in the relevant section of the application form, stating the percentile and marks obtained for all three sections of the test. The test scores should be less than five years old on 1 October 2019. The GRE/GMAT is often a vital deciding factor so you will not be able to submit your application without it if your programme requires it.The GMAT test is computer based and tests verbal, numerical, analytical and written skills and lasts three and a half hours. GMAT is a computer adaptive test where the difficulty of each question will be determined by the answer you gave to a previous question. The GMAT is $250 worldwide, and can be taken only once every 31 days and no more than 5 times during one year. An unofficial score is available straight after the test, and the official score will be sent by email or post 20 days after the test.


The London School of Economics and Political Science大学申请都需要哪些材料那?The London School of Economics and Political Science大学申请费用是多少那,让我们一起看看出国留学需要准备哪些材料和步骤吧,【国际关系史学理学硕士】申请费用要求【65】,推荐信要求【2】。个人陈述PS【1000-1500 words】,个人英文简历CV【】。想我们大概了解了The London School of Economics and Political Science大学申请所需的材料了,在收到录取通知书后就可以准备入学了
1000-1500 words


官方项目联系人姓名:Graduate Admission
