
University of Waterloo
{ "data": { "profile": { "me": null }, "program": { "get": { "background_requirement": { "course": null, "course_cn": null, "degree": "Bachelor", "degree_cn": "本科", "major": "Mathematics,or Science or Engineering(with a strong concentration in mathematics)", "major_cn": "数学、科学或工程(专注于数学)", "work": { "description": null, "description_cn": null } }, "basic": { "bookmarked_2": false, "currency": { "cn": "加拿大元", "en": "CAD" }, "degree": "master", "duration_months": "24", "entrypted_name": "9GD ICZ~9GD\"=C8#9GD!=CRf9GD HYH!:2E =\\<i=2Z[SCH =i0[SCEX=YH[SCR#=CD[SCD#IF8,", "fake_name": "Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship", "fake_num_bookmark": 0, "field_of_studies": [ { "key": "water_resources_engineering", "name": { "cn": "水利工程" } }, { "key": "mathematics", "name": { "cn": "数学" } } ], "institute": { "country_data": "加拿大", "id": "i7e2x5ln0gzcj1um", "logo_url": "institute/ca.uwaterloo/logo.png", "name": "University of Waterloo", "ranking": { "qs": 115, "times": 163, "usnews": 0 }, "slug": "ca.uwaterloo", "wikipedia": { "localized_name": { "cn": "滑铁卢大学", "en": "University of Waterloo" } } }, "my_checklist": null, "name": "MMath in Applied Mathematics (Water)", "name_cn": "应用数学(水)数学硕士", "num_bookmark": 0, "num_checklist": 0, "term": "fall", "year": 2025 }, "doc_modified": "2025-01-14T09:45:13.589862", "id": "p5m2CSRZNwjmLT", "info": { "admission_link": "https://uwaterloo.ca/applied-mathematics/graduate-students/applying", "contact": [ { "email": "amgrad@uwaterloo.ca", "name": "Cyntia Br tan,Graduate Studies", "phone": "(519) 888-4567" } ], "course": [], "department": "Department of Applied Mathematics", "faq_link": null, "link": "https://uwaterloo.ca/applied-mathematics/graduate-students/programs-and-courses", "school": "Faculty of Mathematics", "tuition_fees": { "description": "Tuition is based on a four-month term, and is subject to change on an annual basis. fall term (September to December); winter term (January to April) & spring term (May to August). Canadians and Permanent Residents for Full time (one term): $2,506; International: Master's (research, coursework) $6,838, Doctoral (PhD) $6,770", "description_cn": null, "fee_value": 0 } }, "online_application": { "application_fee_description": "Pay the non-refundable application fee of $100 CAD per program", "application_fee_value": 100, "login_links": [ { "link": "https://www.ouac.on.ca/apply/uwgrad/en_CA/user/login" } ] }, "related_cases": null, "required_doc": { "finance_certificate": { "description": null, "required": false, "requirement_tags": [] }, "other": [], "ps": { "description": null, "required": false, "requirement_tags": [] }, "recommendation_letter": { "description": "Three reference letters are required.", "required": true, "requirement_tags": [ "3" ] }, "resume": { "description": "Resume: include full details of your university education (institutions, duration, degrees, grade point averages), any work experience, research experience, publications, awards and fellowships, any relevant additional information; normally no more than two pages", "required": true, "requirement_tags": [ "Max 2 pages" ] }, "transcript": { "description": "You are required to declare all academic education from all past and present universities, colleges and post-secondary institutions attended. This includes programs that are currently in progress, incomplete studies, non-degree studies/courses, transfer credit courses, and online or distance education courses. All courses and marks, along with the transcript legends/keys/grading scales and degree certificates, if applicable, need to be included. https://uwaterloo.ca/discover-graduate-studies/application-process/application-documents", "entrypted_description": "FF( 865hIB1hIG5 PG9[I21~Qh1ZIF=bHG9[865bQ21WH!5ZIF _Hh1[I7EYHGA_Q!#VI]9eQB1WQ6fVR65iS21WQ\\@VR79[R!EdS21 Q\\[!IG9iPGA_IG<b86=eQ6g[I!Ei865dI21fQ\"=~;G=[H!(dI65hTB1_Q]=~PGA S6[eQ]<VHGA~IF$ZIF@d821DP6[i86[dH!g I6Ei871hQ!ShHF i87A^HG@VHG9[86= R]9[Q]AbTB1_QX1fR\\(]R\\EiRhfVPF$YQ! fQ6E~IB1iS7EZPFEi;21dQ!#cI6E]R\\E[87=~SFA_IG<eH!( R]=[RhfVS79WQ]=\\IG8VH\"9[I6[~86=eSG9iIG<b865dI21eQ\\g_Q\\DVQ\"8VI6[iS65dH!DVIFA H!5~PF(d86=eSG9iIG<d8211Q6fVH!( R]=[Rh1WQ\\@VQF5hP\"<b865bQ!$]87S_S6VVS6W[87AhHF$iH\"9_R7@VQ6E]IF$ZRh(aIG[i;!ShHFA_Q\\RVR!=WQ6Ei865dI21ZIFShIFDVH!EhS6[\\PF=WS6Ei;21_IX1WR71bPF=WH\\g[;21dIFEZ87Ae869[86[dH!g I6EZ;X1^S7AfRi^e;\"E\"HGA[R\\geQh$YHB(ZPG=YQ\"I[RX ]R\\5ZSF5~IB iS7EZPFEi;!5fR6g_H!5~PF(d;G1hQ!=[R\"<eHG1fQ6[YHGA_Q!#cI6(YSF [Q]Ai", "option": null } }, "requirement": { "english": { "ibt": { "description": "For TOEFL scores, the department requires at least 600 overall (paper-based test) and at least 100 overall (internet-based test)", "listening": { "min": 0 }, "reading": { "min": 0 }, "speaking": { "min": 0 }, "total": { "min": 100 }, "writing": { "min": 0 } }, "ielts": { "description": null, "listening": { "min": 0 }, "reading": { "min": 0 }, "speaking": { "min": 0 }, "total": { "min": 0 }, "writing": { "min": 0 } } }, "gpa": { "description": "80/100", "min": 0, "min_scale_100": 0 }, "grad": { "gmat": { "analytical_writing_assessment": { "min": 0 }, "description": null, "quantitative": { "min": 0 }, "total": { "min": 0 }, "verbal": { "min": 0 } }, "gre": { "analytical_writing": { "min": 0 }, "description": "GRE test scores are not required", "quantitative": { "min": 0 }, "total": { "min": 0 }, "verbal": { "min": 0 } }, "gre_sub": { "description": null }, "lsat": { "description": null, "total": { "min": 0 } } } }, "similar_programs": null, "submission_info": { "gmat_code": null, "gre_code": null, "ibt_code": "Institution code: 0996, department code: 01", "mailing_address": [] }, "task": { "deadline": [ { "date": "2025-01-15", "datetime": null, "description": null, "link": "https://uwaterloo.ca/applied-mathematics/graduate-students/applying", "name": "Fall", "type": null } ] }, "user_state": { "application_uuid": null } } } }, "errors": [ { "message": "{\"status\":\"error\",\"error_msg\":\"Internal error: 74b73281fed54188ab29e0ba35c33627\",\"error_kind\":\"Internal\"}", "locations": [] }, { "message": "{\"status\":\"error\",\"error_msg\":\"Internal error: d05dc69008984bcf927195a8bcbb8f4a\",\"error_kind\":\"Internal\"}", "locations": [] } ] }