威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校PhD in Materials Science and Engineering招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校PhD in Materials Science and Engineering招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。https://guide.wisc.edu/graduate/materials-science-engineering/materials-science-engineering-phd/#admissionstext, College of Engineering
Undergraduate studies normally would include mathematics through differential equations, at least one year each of general physics and chemistry, a course in physical chemistry or modern physics, and an elementary course in properties of materials.
Please note that most funding is available for Ph.D. students and there is limited resources for M.S. students.
考试类别 | 总分 | 听力 | 阅读 | 口语 | 写作 |
TOEFL | 92 | - | - | - | - |
寄分码:Institution code: 1846
Foreign students must submit satisfactory results on the TOEFL or another acceptable English Language Test. Please use institution code: 1846; no department code is necessary.
寄分码:Institution code: 1846
Not required.