科罗拉多大学丹佛分校PhD in Electrical Engineering招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
科罗拉多大学丹佛分校PhD in Electrical Engineering招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。College of Engineering and Applied Science
Tuition and fees are approved by the Colorado Board of Regents and may change from those shown here: (http://www.ucdenver.edu/student-services/resources/CostsAndFinancing/StudentBilling/TuitionFees/Pages/Grad-TuitionFees.aspx)
Examination Category | Total | Listening | Reading | Speaking | Writing |
TOEFL | 75 | 14 | 15 | 19 | 20 |
Code:Institution code: 4875
The applicant has obtained a composite score of 75 or above on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-Based Test (iBT), or a composite score of 537 (minimum) or higher on the TOEFL paper-based test (pBT), including obtaining minimum suꜸ⡌蝘᥆Ự⡌袈᥆됐⡌詐᥆ነ⡌諨᥆ꐈ⡌讀᥆ꮀ⡌谘᥆ྐ⡌赈᥆꿈⡌蹸᥆겘⡌輐᥆냠⡌귈᥈꘠⡌꺀᥈ᯀ⡌남᥈꺰⡌녠᥈닸⡌닐᥈ꩨ⡌뎈᥈뙀⡌둀᥈띀⡌럘᥈ꇘ⡌륈᥈뇸⡌뭰᥈궰⡌붘᥈᳀⡌쁸᥈ꥨ⡌섰᥈ꔠ⡌슠᥈ꃘ⡌잨᥈⡋ퟀ᥈᎐⡌?᥈롘⡌?᥈딨⡌တ᥌⡋ᅀ᥌⡋ገ᥌⡋ᐸ᥌⡋ᦐ᥌⡋嘘᥌⡋ꃐ᥌⡋균᥌⡋᥌믈⡋᥎⡋남ᥐ볈⡋ꚸᥨ
The applicant has obtained a composite score of 6.5 (minimum) on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), including obtaining minimum sub scores in each category below: Reading: Minimum score of 5.5, Writing: Minimum score of 5.5, Speakiꩨ⡌뎈᥈뙀⡌둀᥈띀⡌럘᥈ꇘ⡌륈᥈뇸⡌뭰᥈궰⡌붘᥈벨⡋쁸᥈ꥨ⡌섰᥈ꔠ⡌슠᥈ꃘ⡌ퟀ᥈델⡋?᥈롘⡌?᥈딨⡌᥌㯨⡌남ᥐ㳨
Code:Institution code: 4875
Preferred minimum GRE scores are 150 Verbal, 153 Quantitative, and 3.5 for Analytical Writing for tests taken August 1, 2011 or later. For tests taken prior to August 1, 2011, preferred minimum GRE scores are 450 Verbal, 680 Quantitative, and 3.5 for Analytical Writing. A student who does not meet the minimum 150 for Verbal or the minimum 3.5 for Analytical Writing may be required to successfully complete the University of Colorado ESL Academy program.