加州理工学院PhD in Social Science (economics, political science, and political economy)招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
加州理工学院PhD in Social Science (economics, political science, and political economy)招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
we have prerequisites for the program in the area of mathematics and statistics. We do not require an undergraduate degree in any of the social sciences, although we look for a commitment to research in the social sciences. We have found that in order to succeed, students must be skilled in formal reasoning and have a solid background in undergraduate mathematics. In concrete terms, this means entering students should have mastered: Two years of calculus, at the level of Apostol's Calculus, volumes 1 and 2. Linear algebra, at the level of Apostol's _ Calculus_, volume 2. An introductory course in mathematical statistics is highly recommended.
For the incoming class of AY 2013-14, the average of the verbal and quantitative scores was 610 and the average of the analytical section was 3.6. This does not mean that GRE scores at this level will guarantee admission.