滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)坐落于安大略省的西南地区,距多伦多市100公里。安省是加拿大的经济,文化,教育,和科技的中心,尤其是以多伦多大都市为中心的西南地区。除多伦多市外,西南地区共有六所著名大学,滑铁卢大学是其中一所以理工类学科领先而知名的综合性的大学。这个地区处于五大湖之间,气候湿润,许多湖泊河流和自然保护区。这里也是加拿大的著名旅游胜地,如世界闻名的尼加拉大瀑布等。滑铁卢大学始建于1957年,是一所以理,工,数学和计算机科学而闻名的综合性的大学。 连续28年被评为加拿大最具创新力大学,其中工程学院排名全加第二,毕业生就业指数也是全加第二。
Dr. XiaoYu Wu is an assistant professor in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. His group combines expertise in thermal science, material engineering and techno-economics to develop sustainable technologies for energy conversion and chemical production.
You will be working on the thermodynamics and kinetics in thermo-electrochemical (TECHEM) processes for different applications, such as energy storage, hydrogen production, CO2 capture and reuse. Both experimental and numerical methods will be applied. Experiences with thermal-fluid systems, chemical production and material synthesis will be appreciated, but not required. Start date is flexible, as UWaterloo has three semesters: January, May or September 2021.