卡罗林斯卡学院PhD Position in mitochondrial metabolism申请条件要求-申请方

PhD Position in mitochondrial metabolism
Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is required. Wredenberg group and the doctoral student project We are looking for a highly motivated doctoral student interested in cellular metabolism with focus on energy conversion. Our research aims at identifying the molecular consequences of metabolic derangements, by understanding how mitochondria function within the metabolic system. For this, we use model systems, ranging from patient-derived samples, reprogrammed neuroepithelial stems cells to genetically modified animal models. We are specifically recruiting for a project studying nuclear genes involved in controlling mitochondrial function and dysfunction. The successful candidate will acquire a diverse set of skills in the fields of mitochondrial biology, cellular metabolism, molecular biology, computational analysis of large-scale data, as well as handling and working with model organisms. For more information about the group, please visit https://www.wredenberglab.com/ Division of Molecular Metabolism The Wredenberg group is part of the Division of Molecular Metabolism at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Karolinska Institute. Together, we aim to understand the regulation of mitochondrial function in health and disease. We study the regulation of mtDNA expression, using both molecular and structural approaches, the role of mitochondrial metabolism in neurodegeneration and cancer biology, and diagnose patients with inherited metabolic diseases. The laboratory offers an outstanding research environment for basic and translational research with a close association to the Centre for Inherited Metabolic Diseases (CMMS) at Karolinska University Hospital. For more information about the division, please visit: https://ki.se/en/mbb/research-division-of-molecular-metabolism What do we offer? A creative and inspiring environment full of expertise and curiosity. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group. Karolinska Institutet collaborates with prominent universities from all around the world, which ensures opportunities for international exchanges. You will be employed on a doctoral studentship which means that you receive a contractual salary. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care. Terms and conditions The doctoral student will be employed on a doctoral studentship maximum 4 years full-time. Want to make a difference? Join us and contribute to better health for all Type of employment: PhD placement Contract type: Full time First day of employment: Upon agreement Salary: Monthly salary Number of positions: 1 Full-time equivalent: 100 City: Solna County: Stockholms län Country: Sweden Reference number: STÖD 2-1042/2025 Contact: Anna Wredenberg, 08-51771425 Christoph Feyer, 08-51771426 Union representative: Anurupa Nagchowdhury, OFR, anurupa.nagchowdhury@ki.se Helin Norberg, SACO, helin.norberg@ki.se Published: 2025-03-03 Last application date: 2025-03-23
卡罗林斯卡学院Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD Position in mitochondrial metabolism项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下卡罗林斯卡学院申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
Eligibility requirements for doctoral education In order to participate in the selection for a doctoral position, you must meet the following general (A) and specific (B) eligibility requirements at latest by the application deadline. It is your responsibility to certify eligibility by following the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education. A) General eligibility requirement You meet the general eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you: have been awarded a second-cycle/advanced/master qualification (i.e. master degree), or have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the advanced/second-cycle/master level, or have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.* Follow the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education. *If you claim equivalent knowledge, follow the instructions on the web page Assessing equivalent knowledge for general eligibility for doctoral education( https://education.ki.se/doctoral-education/entry-requirements-to-doctoral-education-at-karolinska-institutet-ki/assessing-equivalent-knowledge-for-general-eligibility-for-doctoral-education ). B) Specific eligibility requirement You meet the specific eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you: - Show proficiency in English equivalent to the course English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school. Follow the instructions on the web page English language requirements for doctoral education( https://education.ki.se/doctoral-education/entry-requirements-to-doctoral-education-at-karolinska-institutet-ki/english-language-requirements-for-doctoral-education ). Verification of your documents Karolinska Institutet checks the authenticity of your documents. Karolinska Institutet reserves the right to revoke admission if supporting documents are discovered to be fraudulent. Submission of false documents is a violation of Swedish law and is considered grounds for legal action. (A) and (B) can only be certified by the documentation requirement for doctoral education( https://education.ki.se/doctoral-education/entry-requirements-to-doctoral-education-at-karolinska-institutet-ki ). Skills and personal qualities Applications are invited from individuals of the highest calibre. A background in mitochondrial biology and/or metabolism is favoured. Comprehension in mouse and/or Drosophila genetics is preferred, but not required. Experience in handling large data and bioinformatic skill is meriting. Experience in experimental work in the field of molecular biology is required. A working knowledge of the English language is essential. Personal suitability is of great importance when evaluating the applicants.
Admissions Officer
Contact: Anna Wredenberg, 08-51771425 Christoph Feyer, 08-51771426 Union representative: Anurupa Nagchowdhury, OFR, anurupa.nagchowdhury@ki.se Helin Norberg, SACO, helin.norberg@ki.se