鲁汶大学Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD Position in Optimization of Heat Exchangers for Lead-cooled Small Modular Re项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下鲁汶大学申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
You are a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and communicative researcher, and you are strongly interested in advancing the field of numerical simulation and design of heat exchangers for lead-cooled SMRs. Moreover, you are a team player that enjoys collaborating with people within the research groups at both universities and with other involved partners, and have
• A master’s degree in Engineering with a background in mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, aerospace engineering, mathematical engineering, or a related field, from a reputable institute, with at least distinction
• A background in related fields such as numerical modeling, fluid mechanics, and heat and mass transfer
• The qualities to carry out independent research, demonstrated, e.g., by the grades obtained on your MSc thesis
• An excellent command of the English language, both in spoken and written form
• A critical mindset
Additional research/educational experience in any of the following topics is considered a strong advantage:
• Coding in languages such as Python and C++
• CFD software (OpenFOAM, Ansys, …)
• Numerical optimization
• Flow solvers
• Heat transfer modeling