爱丁堡大学PhD Position in Immune cross-talk in rheumatoid arthritis orchestrated by neutrophils申请条件要求-申请方

PhD Position in Immune cross-talk in rheumatoid arthritis orchestrated by neutrophils
About the Project This project is one of 17 four year PhD Studentships funded by Medical Research Scotland (MRS) ( https://www.medicalresearchscotland.org.uk ) to be delivered jointly by the named University and External Partner Organisation (EPO). The Studentship will provide first-class academic, and additional training provided by the EPO, needed to equip the successful candidate for a science career in an increasingly competitive market. "Immune cross-talk in rheumatoid arthritis orchestrated by neutrophils" to be delivered by the University of Edinburgh [Supervisors: Dr Sonja Vermeren and Dr Joy Edwards-Hicks (both Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh) and Antibody Analytics Limited, trading as RoukenBio ( https://rouken.bio ) [External Partner Organisation supervisor: Dr Robert Benson]. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks joints, e.g. in hands and knees, causing pain and disability. ~1% of the UK population suffer from RA, and while there is treatment there is still no cure. Neutrophils, highly abundant immune cells in humans, are essential for fighting infections. Neutrophils are tightly controlled; if this control goes awry as in RA, they can inflict serious host tissue damage. Neutrophils are not only key to the generation of inflammation, but intriguingly also regulate repair processes. Once a threat is eliminated, neutrophils instruct macrophages to turn from pro- to anti-inflammatory. Recent research suggests neutrophils also modulate T cells, which in RA also attack joint tissue. With excessive stimulation, T cells may become ‘exhausted’, a positive thing in autoimmunity. This project hypothesizes that neutrophils have some anti-inflammatory functions even in the inflamed joint in RA. To test this hypothesis, neutrophils from healthy human volunteers will be treated to resemble those in the inflamed joint in RA. Their ability to perform a range of anti-inflammatory functions, alone, and in conjunction with human macrophages and T cells will be examined. The proposed work will help with understanding immune cell cross-talk in RA and may inform the design of improved therapies for people with RA. This PhD project offers an exciting opportunity to work collaboratively at the Centre for Inflammation Research (CIR), within the new flagship Institute for Regeneration and Repair (IRR) at the University of Edinburgh, and spend 3-6 months at RoukenBio, a Scottish contract research organisation with expertise of in vitro modelling immune cell interplay of complex diseases. The student will benefit from the world-leading research environment at CIR, be integrated into the broader CIR PhD programme and embedded in the IRR’s Postgraduate Training Framework. They will have access to state-of-the-art research facilities at IRR and the wider University and receive cross-disciplinary training aimed at equipping graduates will skills to drive future research developments in inflammation research, regeneration and repair. IRR and the University of Edinburgh offer a wide range of training opportunities including general research skills, advanced training courses in specific areas and transferable skills. ENQUIRIES: Enquiries should be sent by email to Dr Sonja Vermeren: sonja.vermeren@ed.ac.uk It is anticipated that the PhD Studentship will start 7 October 2025. Funding Notes References ( https://inflammation-research.ed.ac.uk/people/principal-investigators/dr-sonja-vermeren ) ( https://inflammation-research.ed.ac.uk )
爱丁堡大学 PhD Position in Immune cross-talk in rheumatoid arthritis orchestrated by neutrophils项目有没有奖学金,是不是全奖Phd招生,下面我们一起看一下【大学名称】Phd的奖学金资助情况
PhD Studentship provides: an annual tax-free stipend of £19,864, increasing to £20,391 over the four years; tuition fees; consumables; and generous travel allowance. Medical Research Scotland will fund fees at the Home (UK) rate. If an overseas student is the best candidate, the overseas portion of tuition fees will be covered by the University of Edinburgh PhD Tuition Fee Contribution Scheme.
爱丁堡大学Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD Position in Immune cross-talk in rheumatoid arthritis orchestrated by neutrophils项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下爱丁堡大学申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
Applicants must have obtained, or expect to obtain, a first or 2.1 UK honours degree or an equivalent degree obtained outside the UK in a relevant subject, and meet English language entry requirements ( https://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/applying/your-application/entry-requirements/english-requirements ). A Master’s degree in a relevant subject would be an advantage.
Sonja Vermeren