巴塞尔大学Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD Position in Medical Implant Technologies项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下巴塞尔大学申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
Master's degree in ethics, philosophy, bioethics, public health, social sciences (e.g. political sciences, STS, anthropology, etc.), medicine, or other related fields.
Very good Master's and Bachelor's academic grades.
Excellent language skills in English.
Willingness to contribute towards an empirical project.
Excellent knowledge of empirical research methods.
High level of commitment, intrinsic motivation, enthusiasm, and responsibility.
You wish to be an integral part of an international team and contribute to its success.
Your long term goal is an academic career.
You have strong organizational skills and the ability to work independently.