拉夫堡大学PhD Position in Dynamic external shading for enhanced visual and thermal comfort in schools申请条件要求-申请方

PhD Position in Dynamic external shading for enhanced visual and thermal comfort in schools
About the Project School buildings must be adapted to provide an indoor environment conducive to learning for children in a warming climate. External shading is a cost-effective solution that can improve thermal comfort in buildings, but may reduce daylighting for children to study by or increase wintertime heating demand. Dynamic external shading systems could solve this problem by responding to variables such as indoor/outdoor temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed to extend or retract the shading system. The aim of this PhD is to create a dynamic external shading device control algorithm which provides optimum visual and thermal comfort, thereby improving schoolchildren’s cognitive performance and health outcomes. Three objectives will be used to achieve the aim: (1) Under a variety of different control strategies and shading types, evaluate the effectiveness of dynamic external shading systems on schoolchildren’s cognitive performance and thermal comfort; (2) measure indoor temperature, humidity, and daylighting and refine the dynamic shading control strategies; (3) interview school staff (teachers) to determine their experience with shading devices, preferred level of interaction (i.e., do they prefer automatic or manual control?). This project builds on an existing partnership with the BBSA who currently co-fund two ERBE CDT PhD students (both supervised by Ben Roberts). The industrial partner will provide the motorised shading systems to test on school buildings. Outputs include new design guidelines for the implementation of dynamic shading systems in schools and optimised dynamic shading control strategies to account for visual and thermal comfort. 94% of Loughborough’s research impact is rated world-leading or internationally excellent. REF 2021 Supervisors Primary Supervisor: Dr Sura Al-Maiyah( https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/abce/staff/sura-al-maiyah/ ) Secondary Supervisor: Dr Ben Roberts( https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/abce/staff/ben-roberts/ )
拉夫堡大学 PhD Position in Dynamic external shading for enhanced visual and thermal comfort in schools项目有没有奖学金,是不是全奖Phd招生,下面我们一起看一下【大学名称】Phd的奖学金资助情况
The studentship is for three years and provides a tax-free stipend of £19,237 per annum (2024/25 rate) for the duration of the studentship plus university tuition fees.
拉夫堡大学Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD Position in Dynamic external shading for enhanced visual and thermal comfort in schools项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下拉夫堡大学申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
Applicants should have, or expect to achieve, at least a 2:1 honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. A relevant master’s degree and/or experience is desirable. English language requirements Applicants must meet the minimum English language requirements. Further details are available on the International website( https://www.lboro.ac.uk/international/apply/english-language-requirements/ ).