利物浦大学 PhD Position in Automated Approaches for Efficient, Scalable, and Sustainable Synthesis of Material Precursors项目有没有奖学金,是不是全奖Phd招生,下面我们一起看一下【大学名称】Phd的奖学金资助情况
The EPSRC funded Studentship will cover full tuition fees of £4,786 pa. and pay a maintenance grant for 4 years, starting at the UKRI minimum of £19,237 pa. for academic year 2024-2025 (rates for 2025-2026 TBC). The Studentship also comes with a Research Training Support Grant to fund consumables, conference attendance, etc.
EPSRC Studentships are available to any prospective student wishing to apply including both home and international students. While EPSRC funding will not cover international fees, a limited number of scholarships to meet the fee difference will be available to support outstanding international students.