高威大学PhD Position in Machine Learning-based Ocean Forecasting申请条件要求-申请方

PhD Position in Machine Learning-based Ocean Forecasting
About the Project Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a full-time, 4-year PhD scholarship in the area of machine learning-based ocean forecasting starting in April 2025. The successful candidate will be based in the Civil Engineering in the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Galway, Ireland. The position is funded by the Irish Marine Institute through the Cullen Fellowship Programme. The candidate will be co-supervised by Dr Stephen Nash (University of Galway) and Dr Tomasz Dabrowski (Marine Institute). University of Galway Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence. For information on moving to Ireland please see ( https://www.euraxess.ie/ ) Detailed Project Description: The aim of this project is to investigate the potential for machine learning-based ocean forecast models. Ocean forecast models provide forecasts of ocean variables such as sea surface height (SSH), temperature, salinity and currents and thus play a significant role in human marine activities and the protection of marine and coastal communities. Currently, dynamic, process-based numerical models are used for ocean forecasting, but they are complex and computationally expensive. The Marine Institute currently produces daily 3-day ocean forecasts for Irish waters using the dynamic ocean model ROMS (the Regional Ocean Modelling System) which covers a domain measuring approx. 1,500 x 2,200 km using a mean horizontal resolution of 1.9 km and 40 terrain-following vertical layers. It produces forecasts of ocean temperature, salinity, sea level and currents. Due to its size and high spatial resolution (circa 1 km near the Irish coastline), the model is very computationally expensive. Recent literature shows that machine learning models can provide an alternative to traditional dynamic numerical models, potentially achieving higher accuracy and shorter run-times. This PhD will focus primarily on the development of a machine learning-based ocean forecast model for Irish waters and benchmark its performance against Marine Institute’s current dynamic ocean forecast model. The candidate’s duties will therefore include identification of appropriate machine learning algorithms, preparation of training and testing datasets, training, testing and optimisation of machine learning models and benchmarking of model performance. The candidate is expected to have a great ability of self-learning, very good teamwork skills and to be self-motivated. The candidate should have great interest in computational modelling and computer programming as well as a good background in machine learning. An interest in ocean modelling is also desirable. The candidate will be part of the Marine Modelling Group at University of Galway and will also work closely with staff from the ocean modelling unit in Marine Institute. Start date: 7th April, 2025
高威大学 PhD Position in Machine Learning-based Ocean Forecasting项目有没有奖学金,是不是全奖Phd招生,下面我们一起看一下【大学名称】Phd的奖学金资助情况
Living allowance (Stipend): €25,000 per annum, [scholarship award] University fees: Covered by the scholarship in addition to stipend Travel Allowance: up to €3,000 per annum
高威大学Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD Position in Machine Learning-based Ocean Forecasting项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下高威大学申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
Academic Entry Requirements: 1st class or 2.1 honours Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Ocean Engineering, Computing or a closely related discipline (e.g. civil or coastal engineering). Candidates must possess excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and a strong passion and motivation for research excellence, with a view to publication of their work in scientific journals and at international conferences. Candidates must also possess excellent project management skills and be motivated to work within a team to achieve overall project objectives. Some specific requirements include: Knowledge of computer programming (using such as C++, Python etc.) Knowledge of, and ideally experience working with, machine learning models Knowledge of (and ideally experience with) computational modelling for oceanographic or fluid dynamics problems Problem-solving, critical thinking and troubleshooting skills.
Stephen Nash