金斯顿大学PhD position in Disintermediation of the Charity Sector申请条件要求-申请方

PhD position in Disintermediation of the Charity Sector
About the Project The aim of this project is to explore the implications of disintermediation in the charity sector for marketing strategies. The non-profit and voluntary sector has traditionally acted as an intermediary between donors and beneficiaries. However, recent trends show individuals increasingly taking fundraising into their own hands, potentially disrupting the established charity sector. Project Description For decades, non-profit and voluntary sector organisations have acted as the intermediaries between donors who want to contribute money to help a cause and the beneficiaries of a cause. The non-profits would be responsible for marketing, fundraising, choosing the appropriate beneficiaries to help, monitoring the giving, and often delivering the service to beneficiaries. Recently, however, there has been a rise in individuals taking matters of altruism and fundraising into their own hands, thereby increasing the risk that the charity sector could become the next victim of disintermediation. The successful PhD candidate will conduct experimental research to investigate one or more of the following issues: (a) impact of trust components (integrity and competence) on donor behaviour in regulated versus unregulated fundraising spaces, (b) role of 'proximity' (physical and emotional distance) in building perceptions of trust and impact, and the influence of donor dominance and sense of agency on donor behaviour. This research will provide valuable insights for the charity sector, helping organisations adapt their marketing strategies in response to disintermediation trends.
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Funding The faculty has been committed to supporting all postgraduate research students, for example by helping to fund conference attendance. We hope to continue with such funding initiatives in the future.