鲁汶大学PhD positions in Bio-geomorphodynamic and plastic litter modelling申请条件要求-申请方

PhD positions in Bio-geomorphodynamic and plastic litter modelling
The Sediment Mechanics Research Unit of the Hydraulics & Geotechnics Section of the Dept. of Civil Engineering is specialized in developing new physics-based process models to improve the prediction of numerical models for hydrodynamic and bio-geomorphodynamic applications in water resources engineering, including the interaction with living organisms (vegetation, benthic species, plankton, etc.). These models are used a.o. for studies on climate resilience of coastal areas, the design of nature-based solutions and the dispersal of particulate matter (sediments and plastic litter). The current PhD project will contribute to two research projects: (1) The WADER (Wetland Avian bioDiversity & climatE Resilience) project applies state-of-the art knowledge of bio-geomorphodynamics to improve our ability to predict avian biodiversity and climate resilience in coastal wetlands, using birds as indicators for evaluating the ecological status of a wetland. The project falls under the Belgium-China cooperation in the domain of science and technology, bilaterally funded by BELSPO (Belgium) and MOST (China). The WADER project team consists of a multi-disciplinary Belgium-Chinese consortium investigating how we can improve predictions in wetland ecosystem functions (i.e. biodiversity and resilience) and implications for optimization in design of NbS. The consortium consists on the Chinese side of Hohai University, Tianjin University, Institute of Subtropical Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and on the Belgian side of KU Leuven, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Research Institute Nature and Forest and Flanders Hydraulics. (2) Ongoing (OVAM-PLASTFLOW and LABPLAS.eu) and future projects (funded by VLIAO) on plastic litter dispersal modelling, require a robust module to predict the beaching and wash-off on shorelines and intertidal areas, often vegetated. In terms of modelling strategy, it shares the challenges and approach as for (1). In addition, the hypothesis that microplastics form heteroaggregates with fine-grained sediment will be investigated. Website unit( https://bwk.kuleuven.be/hydr/ ) Project We are looking for a motivated candidate to apply for a PhD position focusing on numerical modelling of varying processes present at intertidal areas along coasts (beaches, coastal wetlands) and in estuaries. The core challenges are twofold; (1) study, test and if necessary improve a newly proposed robust drying-flooding algorithm which is numerically stable and mass conservative for tracers, here solid particles (i.e. sediments and plastic litter). (2) Apply this algorithm to improve the predictability of particle mobility in intertidal areas taking into account dynamic and irregularly distributed vegetation which can act as particle traps due to their modification of flow patterns. The candidate will work on different projects, where the new algorithm can be tested for respectively sediments and for plastic litter. The candidate will start on the WADER project (funding for 18 months) and subsequently on a new project on plastic litter dispersal in estuaries and coastal areas, which guarantees funding for the full duration of 4 years (the usual funding period for completing a PhD in Belgium). Both projects have the common challenge of modelling particle dispersal in vegetated intertidal areas. Project 1: Coastal wetlands are increasingly put forward as so-called Nature-based-Solutions (NbS) reducing the need of hard engineering solutions in coastal management. However, thus far there are no consistent frameworks in place able to predict the development of coastal resilience and biodiversity of NbS. Thus, limiting possibilities to optimize their design for specific target ecosystem functions. This project will develop a numerical modelling tool (in TELEMAC-GAIA), starting from our available 2D depth-averaged (2DH) Scheldt-Belgian Coast model for mixed (sand-mud) sediments, to understand how large-scale processes influence the development and resilience of wetland morphology and how wetland morphological development drives biodiversity. Building on an existing model, you will focus on the impact of large-scale driving forces such as the coastal sediment budget driven by tides and storms on wetland development (including vegetation) and resilience and predict bio-morphological wetland development and habitat suitability for birds (wetland, migratory and overwintering) over engineering time scales of half a century. You will focus on the Zwin Nature Park at the Belgian Coast, near the mouth of the Scheldt Estuary. Project 2: The second project will focus on two aspects of plastic litter dispersal in the aquatic environment: (1) The dispersal of floating plastic pellets, that are lost by accident on land in and around petrochemical plants in port areas, many of which end up in the nearby aquatic environment, where these pristine nurdles are produced. The study area is the Scheldt estuary at the Port of Antwerp, where the problem of pellet loss is already investigated on the land side, while the loss and distribution in the aquatic environment has not yet been tackled. Field observations show that the majority of nurdles is deposited at the high-water line, which is strongly influenced by the type of vegetation. The main goal consists in predicting the whereabouts of these pellets over periods of years by numerical simulations, which will be validated with field data, collected by project partners. (2) Improving the prediction of suspended particle matter (SPM) in the Belgian coastal area and Scheldt Estuary using innovative remote sensing data above and below the water surface, provided by other project partners, and validate the hypothesis that microplastics are often associated with fine-grained sediments due to hetero-aggregation. You will be using the same TELEMAC-GAIA model (which comprises the Belgian coastal area and the entire Scheldt Estuary as in Project 1), extended with modules to deal with plastics as a third sediment fraction (developed in the framework of recent or ongoing projects > see PLUXIN.be and LABPLAS.eu). Offer We offer an open, stimulating and multi-disciplinary research environment. The candidate will start with a 1-year contract that will be renewed yearly, after positive evaluation, up to maximum 4 years. The candidate should have obtained excellent results in his/her bachelor and master training. Proficiency in English is required. During the PhD project, the candidate is expected to contribute to some teaching assignments (e.g. practical supervision and/or supervision of master thesis students). KU Leuven strives for an inclusive, respectful and socially safe environment. We embrace diversity among individuals and groups as an asset. Open dialogue and differences in perspective are essential for an ambitious research and educational environment. In our commitment to equal opportunity, we recognize the consequences of historical inequalities. We do not accept any form of discrimination based on, but not limited to, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, ethnic or national background, skin colour, religious and philosophical diversity, neurodivergence, employment disability, health, or socioeconomic status. For questions about accessibility or support offered, we are happy to assist you at this email address( https://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/ue715673 ).
鲁汶大学 PhD positions in Bio-geomorphodynamic and plastic litter modelling项目有没有奖学金,是不是全奖Phd招生,下面我们一起看一下【大学名称】Phd的奖学金资助情况
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the general rules at Leuven University. Further general information on working at KU Leuven is found under https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/en/working-at-kuleuven/working-at-kuleuven .
鲁汶大学Phd申请条件和要求都有哪些?PhD positions in Bio-geomorphodynamic and plastic litter modelling项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下鲁汶大学申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
Profile We are looking for one PhD student with a MSc in Civil, Hydraulic, Coastal, Ocean or Environmental Engineering (or equivalent), with sufficient background in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, with a keen interest in coastal sediment transport and its numerical modelling, including programming of new modules. Experience with numerical modelling of hydraulic (and possibly sediment transport) problems is a big plus. Experience in scientific programming is required, e.g. Matlab, Python (the code is written in Fortran90). Candidates are requested to submit proofs of these experiences (task reports, thesis, publications …) with their files at the online application. The formal starting date is 1st September 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.
姓名:Prof. dr. Christian Schwarz
电话:32 16 32 64 27
Prof. dr. ir. Erik Toorman
电话:32 16 32 16 59