
Institutes :China Institute of Urban Planning and Design

Institutes :Peking University

Peter Hall
Institutes :University College London
"In the class, there will be a series of lectures about the history of Chinese cities. Within the lectures, the basic historical documents and archaeological evidences are introduced. Some great capitals, such as Luoyang, Chang-an, Kaifeng, and Beijing, will be emphasized. There are a lot of related landscape pictures shown.
In comparison, some important foreign cities, such as Athens,Rome,Paris,Washington, will be introduced.
The goal of the class is to help student understanding the city within the social-cultural context. The discussed questions include the changes of the urban planning, the interpretation of urban cultural landscape, the spatiality of ancient capitals, and the modernization of Chinese cities."
Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practiced by landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice landscape design bridges between landscape architecture and garden design. In this course students can not only learn factors in landscape design but also practice in design projects.
The content of this course is divided into three parts. The first part will introduce theoretical knowledge on administrative management, administrative law and management of urban planning. The second part is about management and operation, which will introduce the conception, task and process of management of urban planning, including management of complication and approval of the planning, construction site selection, construction land planning, construction projects planning and the supervision of the implementation of urban planning.
"Urban-rural heritage is important part of cultural heritage, locating in the area of urban, town and village, respecting the historic context of the area, possessing cultural and economic (potential) value, and being continued used in different methods after protection and conservation. It, in China, concerns world heritage property, historic city (town, village), historic block, protected cultural heritage by state and local governments, modern excellent architecture etc. It is serious aspect for guaranteeing the sustainable development of urban-rural society to protect and reuse the heritage.
The course mainly consists of 5 charts as material’s review, historical and geographical analysis, similar property analogy, value assessment, social investigation, and protecting plan, with reference, study case and index."
This course begins with the concept of region, and territoriality, and hierarchy, and takes an overview about the development and tasks of regional science, features and requirements of regional study, characteristics and trends of regional development, and the content and tasks of regional planning.
This course is an introduction to the history, analysis, and design of the urban landscape presented with weekly lectures and discussion sections. Emphasis is placed on understanding the principles, processes, and contemporary theories of urban design, and the relations between individual buildings, groups of buildings, and the larger physical and cultural contexts in which they are created and with which they interact. Case studies are drawn from New Haven and other cities.
Mainly introduce the theory and knowledge of urban geography, China’s urban distribution and urban development, China’s urbanization, and the basic methods for urban system planning.
Urban Planning is a subject with strong applicability. This course aims to help students to do practice work for master planning. Main teaching contents are as follows: 1) systematically conclude knowledge of related courses, find out the characters and problems through research on basic information of a specific city. 2) According to the goal of regional planning, determine the development goal and the appropriate size of a city, set the developing and construction guidelines within the planning area. 3) Evaluate the construction land and define the scope of urban construction land. 4) Adjust the spatial structure of the city, construct transportation system and put forward the layout of urban infrastructure. 5) Determine the construction goal and overall layout of urban green space system, and make clear the protection guidelines for historical and cultural resources. 6) Form final planning outcome which meet the need of urban master planning.
This presents a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of GIS-T applications in the analysis and planning of transportation systems.
Introduction to design as a conceptual discipline directed at the analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and transformation of the physical environment. Exercises are aimed at developing an understanding of the issues, elements, and processes of environmental design.