
霍宝锋,浙江大学管理学院运营管理领域的教授,博士生导师,供应链管理研究所所长,2010年“新世纪优秀人才计划”入选者,运营管理顶级期刊Journal of Operations Management编委。
Institutes :Zhejiang University

Institutes :Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Marshall L. Fisher
Dr. Marshall L. Fisher is the UPS Professor of Operations and Information Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and co-director of the Fishman-Davidson Center for Service and Operations Management. Dr. Fisher co-founded 4R Systems, Inc., in 1999 and serves as its Chairman. He joined the Boston Manufacturing and Distribution Sales office of IBM. After teaching assignments at the University of Chicago and Cornell University, Dr. Fisher joined the faculty of the Wharton School in 1975. His pioneering research in logistics and supply chain coordination in the 30-plus years he has been at the Wharton School has been implemented by many companies and recognized by numerous awards.
Institutes :University of Pennsylvania
This course is based on the actual development needs, combined with modern management ideas, information technology and other related to the advanced theory and method, comprehensively and systematically introduced the concept of modern logistics system planning, strategic role and the influence to the enterprise, description of the modern logistics system planning and design process of new ideas, new technology in which the effect of role, is a comprehensive interdisciplinary theory and thought of the emerging discipline.
The main contents contain 3 parts: the transportation theory, transportation system and transportation operation.
Students learn to analytically solve problems and make decision considering forecasting, inventory planning and service levels, profitability, product range, supply chain dynamics, facility location, distribution, and routing.
Under the perspective of meeting the needs of enterprise and supplying chain logistics services better, the course introduce some important aspects and functions of the management rules and methods, the basic theory and method of the management of supply chain, which provide by third - party logistics service. The contents include logistics networks design, transportation management, inventory control and coordination and integration of supply chain.
This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of successful service operations management. Emphasis is focused on preparing students to identify and apply appropriate management processes to ensure efficient, effective, and quality oriented service operations, while achieving operational excellence. Topics covered include: the role of services in the economy, strategic positioning and internet strategies, environmental strategies, new service development process, managing service expectations, front-office back-office interface, service quality, yield management, waiting time management, and site selection.
This course is an introduction to the methods and applications of fitting multiple regression and time series models. For regression models, the primary emphasis is on the method of least squares and its many varieties. Topics include the examination of residuals, the transformation of data, strategies and criteria for the selection of a regression equation, the use of dummy variables, tests of fit, and the use and interpretation of computer package regression programs. For time series models, topics include auto-regression and moving average models, identification and fitting, forecasting.
This course introduces logistics/physical distribution and supply, and the related costs. It provides a systematic overview and analysis of the elements of logistics functions in widely varying types of industries and agencies, including handling, warehousing, inventory control and financial controls.
Principles of economics is the basic course for economics major, and also introduces basic economics for other majors.The course is composed of two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We offer basic knowledge of economics in this course, and also enhance students understanding of everyday economy affairs. Most importantly, the course pay special attention to the intuitions of economics through class as well as exercises. We believe economics is not just an brunch of math or others, it has its own perspectives. training intuitions will do help students understan unique perspectives of economics.