软件工程作为一门新兴学科,基本专注软件开发技术和软件工程管理技术两方面。作为一门新兴学科,各高校根据自己的学科优势和对市场需求的理解,研究方向百花齐放,包括软件需求、软件设计、软件构造、软件测试、软件维护 ...
分为软件开发技术和软件应用技术两类。 软件开发技术就是利用计算机特有语言进行软件开发与编制; 软件应用技术是指利用已经编写好的软件为工作或生活服务。
Institutes :Beijing Institute of Technology
Institutes :East China Normal University
Institutes :Tsinghua University
上海交通大学教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,亚洲软件基础学会委员,1986年毕业于同济大学计算机系。他在国际学术刊物上发表论文三十余篇,负责过973一级课题、863重点等二十多个省部级项目, 目前负责一项自然基金重点。
Institutes :Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Barry W. Boehm
the University of Southern California Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Astronautics; the TRW Professor of Software Engineering; and Founding Director of the USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering.
The main content of this course includes basic concepts of database systems;the use of computer database management system;relational model and relational algebra, SQL language;the normalization theory of relational database;database design;database protection;the new development of new database technology.
Software engineering is a course to guide software development and maintenance, including introduction, process models, planning and managing the project, requirements and analysis, designing the architecture and modules, writing and testing the programs, software maintenance, evaluating and improving products, processes and resources.
A course on the fundamental principles, protocols, techniques and applications of networks, including the layered network architectures, primary design problems from physical layer up to application layer, TCP/IP protocol stack, commonly used network applications and basic network security technologies.
Understand principle and theory of Data Structures and Algorithms, able to design and implement fundamental data structures and algorithms.
Covers programming, data structures, algorithms.
Topics include the organization and implementation of fundamental data structures such as list, binary tree, tree and forest, and graph; sorting and searching; data abstraction and problem solving.
Advanced Mathematics is designed to serve students majoring in chemical science, computer science and engineering etc. It consists of two parts of a two-semester sequence. The course begins with a rapid review of topics in algebra and trigonometry, which you should be competent in. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 7, is devoted to single variable differentiation, integration and differential equations. It covers the fundamental concepts and theorems. Part 2, consisting of Chapters 8 to 12, discusses in depth multivariable differentiation, integration, infinite series, vectors and the geometry of space.
ISSN: 1000-9825
International Journal of Computer Vision
ISSN: 0920-5691
Journal of Statistical Software
ISSN: 1548-7660
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
ISSN: 1089-778X