哲学的子专业从不同角度对哲学的主题进行研究。逻辑学主要是提供方法;伦理学和宗教学研究哲学的终极目的,善、幸福和信仰;科技哲学研究曾经是哲学主体的科学(自然哲学)的哲学问题,理解科学的强大是如何实现的,科学是如何统治世界的 ...
伦理学(Ethics)也称为道德哲学或道德学,是对人类道德生活进行系统性思考和研究的学科。伦理学试图从理论层面建构一种指导行为的法则体系,并且对其进行严格的评判。 伦理学是哲学的一个主要分支学科,涉及到在正确行为与错误行为的概念督导下,人们应该怎样过正常生活。“伦理”对应的英文用词“ethics”来自于希腊文“ethos”,可以翻译为“习俗”或“道德”,又可翻译为“信念”。什么是正确或错误?什么是聪明或愚蠢?研究这些问题的学问统称为“ethica”。
美学(Aesthetics),又称感觉学,是以对美的本质及其意义的研究为主题的学科,乃哲学其中一个重要分支。美学一词来源于希腊语 aisthetikos 。最初的意义是“对感观的感受”。由德国哲学家鲍姆嘉通(Baumgarten)首次使用。他的《美学》一书的出版标志了美学做为一门独立学科的产生。直到19世纪,美学在传统古典艺术的概念中通常被定义为研究“美”(Schönheit)的学说。一个客体的美学价值并不是简单的被定义为“美”和“丑”,而是去认识客体的类型和本质。

约翰•罗杰斯•塞尔(John Rogers Searle)
Institutes :University of California, Berkeley

Institutes :Tsinghua University

An introductory course on philosophy of science mainly for undergraduate students majoring in philosophy.
The contents of this course include meaning and reference, truth and paradoxes, justification of deduction and induction, existence and quantification and ontology, and the analysis of the basic concepts of logic, such as consequence, etc.
In this course we shall examine and assess many different philosophical theories, comparing and contrasting them as we apply their views to different philosophical questions. After a brief introduction to what philosophy is, what an argument is, and the importance of philosophy, we will examine the views of many famous philosophers, including (but by no means limited to) the following: Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, George Berkeley, Rene Descartes, John Locke, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, and others
Motif of the seminar course is to prove student’s interesting to the Chinese Philosophy course, ability for analyzing philosophical problems and result of the teaching, by expanding the reading and discourse at classes.
"The course contains three parts:
2,Normative ethics.
3,Virtue ethics."
This course is aimed to introduce various schools and major figures in western philosophy since the second half of the 19th century. The philosophy taught in this course can be divided into three parts, that is, the philosophy at the turn of the century, Anglo-American philosophy in the 20th century and continental philosophy in the 20th century. Philosophers introduced in this course include Nietzsche, Bergson, Russell, Wittgenstein, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Freud. Besides, this course introduces new trends of thought like postmodernism. By the method of "internal criticism”, the course points out the problems faced by western contemporary philosophy and their possible solutions so that students would have a proper understanding about the trend of world philosophy.
This course is mainly about the development of western philosophy from the very beginning to the early 19th century and various major schools in modern philosophy during the late 19th century. This course is aimed to introduce a number of great and famous philosophers and their philosophies attributed into four periods, viz. ancient Greek, medieval, modern and German idealism. It focuses on Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas, Empiricists, Idealists, Kant and Hegel.
The course will develop along several axes simultaneously. We will pay attention to several arts, namely painting and sculpture (about four weeks worth); music (also four weeks); and a mixture of theater and dance, photography and film, and fiction and poetry during the remaining weeks of the semester. We will view, read, or listen to particular works (including student works), and we will discuss issues in philosophical aesthetics and the philosophy of the arts raised by the works or the media they represent.
The cotents of this course include logic of propositions, logic of terms, logic of predicates, and inductive logic, non-formal logic.
Political Economics is one of the core courses required by all of the majors in School of Economics. The course contains the analysis of the relationship of production and of the development process of the capitalist economy. The purpose of this course is to allow the students to learn and understand the basic methods and theories of Marxist economics.