



彼得•希格斯(Peter Higgs、1929年5月29日-)是一位英国物理学家,出生在英格兰泰恩河畔纽塞,以希格斯机制与希格斯粒子而闻名于世。彼得•希格斯于1960年毕业于伦敦国王学院。1960年到1996年期间曾任爱丁堡大学教授。彼得•希格斯于2004年获得沃尔夫奖。2013年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
The target group of nuclear engineering experimental course is nuclear engineering nuclear technology students. The main aim of this course is to cultivate students with the strict attitude of scientific research and ability of practical operation. By the experimental teaching, the students’ enthusiasm for knowledge would be inspired; the passive learning attitude would be turned to active learning attitude; the interest of study would be enhanced and the basic theoretical knowledge would be comprehended and consolidated. Furthermore, the students would be cultivated to develop the practical spirit, innovation consciousness and innovation ability. Coursework includes experimental teaching of radiation protection, nuclear material, thermohydraulics and nuclear fuel circle. Students are required to have learned the basic major courses and core major courses of nuclear engineering nuclear technology.
This course focuses on the basic concepts and key technologies of the nuclear fusion reactor. The course mainly includes the development of nuclear fusion, the basic principle of nuclear fusion, fusion plasma, blanket and divertor, magnet and power supply, heating and drive system, vacuum vessel and cold screen, fusion reactor materials and material irradiation damage, etc. The objective of this course is to help the students to establish the overall understanding of the science of nuclear fusion and handle the basic knowledge of nuclear fusion engineering, thus laying the foundation for the study of the next period and being engaged in the research of the nuclear fusion engineering technology.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle is an important part of nuclear engineering and a key work for the sustained-development of the nuclear power. An innovative and creative student who major in nuclear engineering and technology is supposed to grasp the knowledge of nuclear fuel cycle. The course of nuclear fuel cycle mainly includes the basic principles of spent fuel reprocessing, fabrication of nuclear fuel, processes and equipments of nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear waste disposal. The course is fit for the seniors or the postgraduates of lower grade with nuclear engineering and technology major, and the objectives are to train the students’ capability for applying the principles and rules of nuclear fuel cycle to resolve the problems encountered in the work.
A course on advanced nuclear reactor and materials: history of advanced nuclear reactor, theory of materials and irradiation effects, fission reactor materials, candidate materials of fusion reactor.
The basic theory, physical process and analysis method are introduced in the project. Obviously, it is the core project in reactor engineering which include: the nuclear physics, neutron moderator and diffusion, critical theory, non-uniform reactor calculation, burn up, reactivity control, reactor dynamics and fuel management.
The content of this course include the definition and goal of nuclear safety, the rule and law of nuclear safety, engineered safety feature, safety design of nuclear system, deterministic methods and probabilistic safety analysis, radiation safety and protection.
Radiation protection is an important branch of the field of nuclear science, which specializes in avoiding ionizing radiation hazards to human body. The course includes the properties of radiation field, the interaction between radiation and matter, the influence of radiation on the humans, radiation protection standard, technology and implementation method of radiation protection, radiation safety management and etc.
Atomic physics is the subject that studies the microscopic structures and relevant interactions of matter. Based on the preliminary knowledge of quantum mechanics, the course is aimed at introducing the structures and spectra of atoms and molecules, as well as the structures and properties of nuclei, and the concept of fundamental particle physics.
First and second laws of thermodynamics; properties of pure substances; closed and open systems of various types; applications to steady-flow and non-flow processes; power and refrigeration cycles;psychrometrics.
This course is obligatory for all majors associated with electronics. It is about analysis, structures and applications of low-frequency analog circuits, including basic semiconductor devices, amplifier principle, characteristics and applications of integrated operational amplifier. Students should master the theoretical and practical knowledge about analog circuits after this course and get prepared for the study of analog integrated circuits.