机械工程专业目前可以分为机械制造及其自动化,机械电子工程,机械设计及理论 ...
机构学与机器人是一项涵盖了机器人的设计、建造、运作、以及应用的跨领域科技,就如同电脑系统之控制、感测回授、以及资讯处理。这些科技催生出能够取代人力的自动化机器,在危险境或制造工厂运作,或塑造成外表、行为、心智的仿人机器人。如今许多的机器人受到自然界的启发,贡献于生物启发的机器人学的领域。 创造可自动运转的机器的概念可追溯至古典时代,但是直到20世纪以前,机器人的功能和潜在应用开发及研究没有持续地成长。纵观历史,机器人常见于模仿人类行为,且常以类似的方法管理事务。时至今日,机器人学成为一个快速成长的领域,同时先进技术持续地研发、设计、以及建造用来达成各种实用目的新款机器人,例如家庭用机器人、工业机器人或军用机器人。许多机器人从事对人类来讲非常危险的工作,如拆除炸弹、地雷、探索沉船等。
机械动力学是机械原理的主要组成部分。它研究机械在运转过程中的受力、机械中各构件的质量与机械运动之间的相互关系,是现代机械设计的理论基础。研究机械运转过程中能量的平衡和分配关系。主要研究的是:在已知外力作用下,求具有确定惯性参量的机械系统的真实运动规律 ;分析机械运动过程中各构件之间的相互作用力;研究回转构件和机构平衡的理论和方法;机械振动的分析;以及机构的分析和综合等等。
流体力学是力学的一门分支,是研究流体(包含气体、液体及等离子体)现象以及相关力学行为的科学。流体力学可以按照研究对象的运动方式分为流体静力学和流体动力学,前者研究处于静止状态的流体,后者研究力对于流体运动的影响。流体力学按照应用范围,分为:水力学及空气力学等等。 流体力学是连续介质力学的一门分支,是以宏观的角度来考虑系统特性,而不是微观的考虑系统中每一个粒子的特性。流体力学(尤甚是流体动力学)是一个活跃的研究领域,其中有许多尚未解决或部分解决的问题。流体动力学所应用的数学系统非常复杂,最佳的处理方式是利用电脑进行数值分析。有一个现代的学科称为计算流体力学,就是用数值分析的方式求解流体力学问题。粒子图像测速技术是一个将流体流场视觉化并进行分析的实验方式,也利用了流体高度可见化的特点。
船舶与海洋工程专业是一门研究船舶轮机的工作原理 的学科。主要学习船舶的构造、航行原理、安全性设计及建造法规和国内外重要船级社的规范等知识,研究船舶的设计方法及如何保证航行的快速性、良好的操纵性和抗风浪能力等问题。学习船舶试验的方法和原理,解决船舶设计、建造、使用和管理中的问题。船舶与海洋工程专业是船舶建造、使用及海运行业的重要支撑学科。
1995年8月至2006年5月在美国印第安纳州理工学院历任助理教授,副教授和终身教授等职,2006年8月起在美国三州大学任教授直至回国工作。现任中科院工程热物理研究所研究员,百人计划入选人,以及美国机械工程师协会(ASME)的模型与智能系统委员会的奖励委员会主席。多次担任ASME等相关国际会议的Topic Organizer和Session chair,及AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, J. of Propulsion and Power,International Gas Turbine Institute的审稿人。
The basic objectives of this course are the following:
Machine elements design and manufacturing processes of metallic materials. Capacity to choose a particular
manufacturing method for a part type, according to their properties and characteristics, number of parts to be
manufactured ...
Calculation procedures for designing different machine elements, based on the most common failure criteria, and the
implications of material fatigue.
The properties of liquids as the working substance (liquid, gas). Principles of hydrostatics. Pascal's Law. The flow of
fluids - Continuity equation, Euler equations of fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's equation for ideal and real fluids, Navier-Stokes equation, laminar and turbulent flow. Specific energy loss: a local length. Model equations of state for ideal gas and real gases. Throttling fluid.
This course is an introduction to designing mechatronic systems, which require integration of the mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines within a unified framework. There are significant laboratory-based design experiences. Topics covered in the course include: Low-level interfacing of software with hardware; use of high-level graphical programming tools to implement real-time computation tasks; digital logic; analog interfacing and power amplifiers; measurement and sensing; electromagnetic and optical transducers; control of mechatronic systems.
This course is an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Topics covered include kinematics, force-momentum formulation for systems of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion, work-energy concepts, virtual displacements and virtual work. Students will also become familiar with the following topics: Lagrange's equations for systems of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion, and linearization of equations of motion. After this course, students will be able to evaluate free and forced vibration of linear multi-degree of freedom models of mechanical systems and matrix eigenvalue problems.
This course introduces several engineering materials, including metal materials (pure metals and alloys), non-metallic materials (polymers, ceramics and composites) and nano-materials, and their micro/meso-structures, macro-mechanical properties, microscopic mechanisms and the possible ways to improve their mechanical properties.
The atmospheric air and water on the Earth surface are our familiar fluids due to their flows makeing much effects on our dailylife at all times.Fluid Mechanics is a scientific subject evidently exploring the law of the macroscopical motion of this kind of Newtonian fluid. The term fluid includes both gases and liquids. The methods and techniques in fluid mechanics are widely applied to deal with many problems in biofluid, environmental fluid, geophysical fluid and so on. This course is to introduce the terminology and techniques required in the study of the flows of fluids. The goal is to help students apply the universal physical principles such as conservation of mass, momentum and energy to understand the fundamental equations which govern most of the flow of fluids.
"Upon the completion of the course the student should be
able to:
• Calculate the principal stresses and strains in a loaded
• Solve problems using stress transformation and Mohr’s
• Apply Hooke’s law for plane stress and plane strain
• Calculate stresses in thin walled spherical or cylindrical
pressure vessels
• Calculate the stresses produced by combined axial,
bending and torsional loads"
With analytic mechanics, many topics of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems are introduced. The course Mainly includes: constraints of motion, generalized coordinates, degrees of freedom, principle of virtual work. For fixed-point motion of rigid body, the Euler angles and Euler Equations of kinematics are introduced; and more, parallel planar motion, fixed-axis motion and general motion of rigid bodies are also presented. The equations of motion in non-inertial reference frame and their application are discussed. Lagrangian and Lagrange equations are introduced, and as their applications, central force motions and small oscillations for multi-degrees of freedom mechanical systems are discussed. Center of mass and reference frame of center of mass for many particle systems are presented. Dynamical laws of the particle groups are discussed, and the laws are used to solve mechanical problems. For rigid body dynamics, the inertia tensor and Euler dynamical equation are introduced. From the Lagrange equations of motion, we deduce the canonical equations of motions, the conservations of some mechanical quantities of mechanical systems are discussed. Finally, we discuss the Poisson brackets and Hamilton`s principle and Hamilton-Jacobi equation.