比较法学(comparative jurisprudence) 指对不同国家的法律进行比较研究,包括对本国法与外国法之间或不同的外国法之间的比较研究。有些法学家把联邦国家中联邦法与联邦组成部分的法律以及这些组成部分法律之间的比较研究,也列入比较法学的范围。因此,比较法不是任何一个国家的部门法,而是一种法学研究方法。“比较法”、“比较法学”和“比较法研究”实际上是同义语。

Institutes :Peking University

Institutes :China University of Political Science and Law

男,1960年2月生,汉族,湖北仙桃人,中共党员,教授,博士生导师。 1981年毕业于湖北财经学院,1984年于中国人民大学获法学硕士学位并留校任教,1990年于中国人民大学获法学博士学位;1988年晋升为副教授,1992年晋升为教授;曾担任中国人民大学法学院副院长(法律系副主任),2005年5月至2009年5月担任中国人民大学法学院院长。2008年12月起任中国人民大学党委副书记兼副校长。2014年1月起担任中国人民大学常务副校长兼副书记。2014年6月起担任中国人民大学常务副校长。
Institutes :Renmin University of China

Institutes :East China University of Political Science And Law
This course consists of the concept of civil law, the regulative objects, the sources of civil law, basic principles, the common theory of civil legal relationship, civil subject, the civil juristic acts, the agency, SOL and the application of civil law, etc.
The course is to be featured with comparative law studies. The particularities of Chinese commercial law, is to be identified on the basis of common institutions of commercial law among different countries. The students are to be trained to find and apply relevant statutes to real cases so as to improve their capacity in legal analysis.
This lesson starts from the basic theory of constitutional law, while analyzing and discussing the constitutional rights and the design of constitutional system. So far, constitutional law has endured a process of transforming from a declaratory, revolutionary law to a legal, procedural law, also the emphasis of constitutional principles has shifted from substantive justice to procedural justice. In that process, the basic system design of constitution corresponds to the above-mentioned transformation procedure, changing from the emphasis on parliamentary sovereignty and electoral system to the emphasis on constitutional assurance and the multi-level participation of citizen. Acknowledging the basic orientation of constitutional law not only help us to better understand and analyze the current constitutional system, but also guide us to further reflect the gap between social demands and established constitutional system.
This is a basic law school class designed for undergraduate student. It has three aims.
Firstly, makes students master fundamental theory of Chinese intellectual property law.
Secondly, gives a full vision of the current legislation, justice and law enforcement situation about Chinese intellectual property law.
Lastly, introduces the main idea of national intellectual property strategy and enterprise intellectual property strategy.
Property law is a compulsory lesson for law school students. Property law is an indispensable part of modern market economy, which aims at regulating property ownership. Not only can property law maintain the property ownenship order, but also lay a reliable foundation for the sound circulation of property, which has a significant impact on social and economic life. By learning this lesson, students can acquire the basic knowledge of property law, analyze hot and complex issues of property law, strengthen the understanding and application of property law, and improve the ability of solving practical problems.
This course focuses on explaining the knowledge of the general part of criminal law and clarifying the norm of criminal law. In this course, the professor will systematically narrate some basic theoretical issues of the criminal law of our county, especially the latest research achievement, as well as some theoretical knowledge and latest trends of criminal law. This course will also allow students to discuss some cases and practical questions to have a better understanding of criminal law.
This course mainly focuses on the traditional crimes, the economic crimes and the job-related crimes, including crimes of endangering national security in Chapter I, crimes of endangering public security in Chapter II, crimes of infringing upon citizen's right of the person and democratic rights in Chapter IV, crimes of property violation in Chapter V and crimes of obstructing the administration of public order in Chapter VI. This course mainly covers and explores the concept of specific cirmes, the protection of legal rights, the special constitutive elements of crime, the solution to puzzling cases and controversial issues, the regulations in legislative interpretation, the content of judicial interpretation, and the criminal liablity of important crimes. This course lays emphasis on developing students' ability of legal thinking and solving knotty cases.
The course "Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law” is one of the 14 key courses for college and university students majored in law. The course will completely, systematically and thoroughly expound and explain the basic theories and knowledge of administrative law and litigation law, including: (I) the general theories and basic principles of administrative law; (II) the general theories of administrative law subject, the duties, authorities and measures of administrative subject and the rights and obligations of private party; (III) the general theories and the natures, characteristics, constitutive elements and legal requirements of administrative action, and the particular procedures of several main administrative actions; (IV) the general theories of administrative remedies, the natures, functions, scopes, jurisdictions, procedures and judgment criteria of administrative review and administrative litigation; (V) the general theories and the constitutive elements, imputation principles, scopes, methods, standards and procedures of administrative compensation. The course also will comment on the practices and doctrines of China’s administrative law; at the meanwhile, The course also will comment on achievements and shortcomings of foreign administrative law. Inheriting, criticizing and sublating various doctrines of foreign administrative jurisprudence, such as power-control theory, regulatory theory, power standard theory and right standard theory, etc, the course will preliminary formulated a theoretical framework of administrative law with Chinese characteristics.
International law is the law of nations. Countries are subject to international law in much the same way that people are subject to domestic law. It imposes specific obligations and rights on nations, just as domestic law imposes them on individuals. Its purpose is similar to that of domestic law: eliminate international disorder by stipulating how states should behave towards each other.
"This course will provide a general philosophy for understanding the frameworks of modern regulations, antitrusts and public businesses. By introducing the core ideas, rationality, and principles of sub-division of economic law, and its specific embeddness of Chinese related arguments and practice.
法律职业资格证,律师资格证,Bar Exam,企业法律顾问执业资格证