管理信息系统(Management Information Systems简称MIS)、是一个不断发展的新型学科,MIS的定义随着计算机技术和通讯技术的进步也在不断更新,在现阶段普遍认为管理信息系统MIS、是由人和计算机设备或其他信息处理手段、组成并用于管理信息的系统。
加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学哲学博士,信息系统学系教授,曾获多个教学奖项。研究方向主要包括信息系统行为与管理,是现任国际信息系统领域的顶级期刊《管理信息系统季刊》(MIS Quartely)的高级编辑。
Institutes :City University of Hong Kong
Gordon B. Davis
Gordon B. Davis美国米尼苏达大学carlson管理信息与决策科学教授。
Institutes :University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Information Storage and Retrieval is an important compulsory course for undergraduate students majoring in Information Management and Information System. It mainly includes the following seven teaching units:
1.Instruction to Information Retrieval(IR),including its basic concepts, principles and development; its research topics and related subjects or specialties.
2.Modeling in IR,three classic models(Boolean, Vector and Probabilistic)and their alternative paradigms are involved and discussed carefully.
3.IR Systems,this unit is dedicated to the discussion of IR systems’ types, work ways and their structures.
4.IR technology and methods,including text IR,multimedia IR and Web search engines.
5.Application of IR systems, involving in IR basic optional process and its online searching strategies, some important IR systems will be used and practiced by completing a certain amount of typical queries .
6.IR Evaluation,including the history of IR evaluation research, the metrics of IR performance evaluation and analyses of some important IR evaluation cases
7.text automatic understanding and processing,the unit is closely related to the research of traditional IR——text retrieval,some key topics will be discussed in detail, such as text indexing, text clustering and categorizing, text filtering, text summarization, etc.
This course involves concepts about information system architecture,concepts about project management,information system analysis and design concepts and information system analysis and techniques,etc.
This course is intended to introduce the theory and practice of the information organization systematically. It includes,the organization of Information: overview;theory of Information organization;information description and authority works;classification: type, structure and new development under digital environment;classifying and classification retrieval system;verbal indexing language: type, structure and new development;subject indexing and retrieval systems. new topics and developments under digital environment will be discussed in this field. Besides, practice of subject indexing also be arranged.
The main content of this course includes basic concepts of database systems;the use of computer database management system;relational model and relational algebra, SQL language;the normalization theory of relational database;database design;database protection;the new development of new database technology.
Marketing Management is designed to serve as an introduction to the theory and practice of marketing. Students will improve their ability to develop effective marketing strategies and assess market opportunities, as well as design strategy implementation programs. In addition, students will have the opportunity to communicate and defend their recommendations and build upon the recommendations of their peers. We will explore the theory and applications of marketing concepts through a mix of cases, discussions, lectures, guest speakers, individual assignments, and group projects. We will draw materials from a variety of sources and settings including services, consumer and business-to-business products.
The main contents include: the basic concepts and theories of management information system; the basic analyses of various types of information system; development methods of management information system; case analyses of management information system; related issues of information system management.
Operational research focuses on the basic rules that how human beings use and operate different resources, in order to optimize the profits of limited resources. As a domain about optimization and decision making, operational research plays an important role in economics, science and technology, industry, management, military, etc., and thus highly recognized by higher education systems all over the world. The course will introduce linear programming, transportation, integer programming, graph and network analysis, dynamic programming, decision analysis, game theory, forecasting, optimization, and these contents may increase students` interests on further study in the domain of operational research.
The course presents the fundamental ideas and methods used in operational research, which are expected to lead students to use them when facing various real world problems, to determine objects, establish schemes, build models, and obtain solutions, so that they can survive in drastic competitions of this information era.
Conceptual introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis is placed on wealth and income measurement and the preparation and interpretation of conventional financial statements.
Understand principle and theory of Data Structures and Algorithms, able to design and implement fundamental data structures and algorithms.
Covers programming, data structures, algorithms.
Topics include the organization and implementation of fundamental data structures such as list, binary tree, tree and forest, and graph; sorting and searching; data abstraction and problem solving.
An introduction course on computer programming and computer programming language. In this course, students can learn C programming language well and solve simple application problem using C programming language by practical training.
MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
ISSN: 2162-9730
ISSN: 1471-7727
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
ISSN: 0018-9448
ISSN: 1467-5463
SPSS、SAS、Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0、Code Blocks