在创业研究领域,研究问题主要包括创业的一般管理理论、创业者个体和团队行为、创业的组织和战略、创业投资与融资、技术创业、公司创业、公司成长、社会创业、国际创业 ...
清华大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——清华大学技术创新研究中心主任,教育部科技委管理学部委员、中国技术经济学会技术管理专业委员会理事长,以及学术期刊《Int. J. of Innovation Studies》创始主编,主要研究方向为技术创新管理与企业管理。
Institutes :Tsinghua University
1999年7月于中国人民大学工商管理学院获管理学博士学位,后任教于清华大学经济管理学院。2001年11月-2002年7月赴法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC, Paris)访问学习,2009年2月-7月赴美国麻省理工斯隆管理学院访问学习。现任清华大学全球产业研究院副院长。
Institutes :Tsinghua University
安索夫在战略管理中的特殊地位最主要表现在对战略管理(Strategic Management)的开创性研究,由于他的开创性研究终于使他成为这门学科的一代宗师。作为战略管理的一代宗师,他首次提出公司战略概念、战略管理概念、战略规划的系统理论、企业竞争优势概念、以及把战略管理与混乱环境联系起来的权变理论。1963年,45岁的安索夫进入卡内基-梅隆大学经营管理研究生院,从事专业的战略管理研究和教学。
在普林斯顿时学的是机械和航空工程,随后转向商业,获哈佛大学的MBA及经济学博士学位,并获得斯德哥尔摩经济学院等七所著名大学的荣誉博士学位。他是哈佛商学院的大学教授(大学教授,University Professor,是哈佛大学的最高荣誉,迈克尔•波特是该校历史上第四位获得此项殊荣的教授)。迈克尔•波特在世界管理思想界可谓是"活着的传奇",他是当今全球第一战略权威,是商业管理界公认的"竞争战略之父"
现任浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,创新创业与战略学系系主任,知识产权管理研究所联席所长。黄灿教授是中美战略与经济对话框架下中美创新对话中方专家组成员、清华大学技术创新研究中心、电子科技大学中细软知识产权管理研究中心和亚太创新会议(Asia Pacific Innovation Conference)学术委员会委员
The course is to offer students who are planning or will start their own enterprises some basic tools to identify and analyze entrepreneurship opportunities. Student can learn from participating lectures of entrepreneurship theories and seminars of entrepreneurship experience sharing.
The course introduces theory and method of enterprise’s technological innovation management systematically, which divided into technological innovation theory, technological innovation decision, technological innovation process management and technological innovation element. The course clarities the growth of technology and technology law, and introduces technological innovation theory, technological forecasting and technological evaluation, technological innovation strategy, assessment of technological innovation decision, technology acquisition and technology transform, originality development, new product development, service innovation management, technology entrepreneurship management, technology innovation project management, the information of technological innovation and knowledge management, technological innovation capability, technological innovation organization comprehensively.
The main content of this course: 1.To organize all the prerequisites to formulate a good business plan ; 2.To achieve the functions of getting funding pooling resources.
The course introduces basic theory and method in strategy management of enterprise, which includes the meaning, origin and development of strategic management, the analysis of external and internal environment, options for corporate strategy and business unit strategy, common methods of strategic evaluations. It also contains the implementation of the strategic programs in functions of the organizational structure and the areas of strategy and corporate culture, strategies for effective control and cases about strategy management of enterprise at home and abroad. Our purpose is to cultivate students with both international perspective and comprehensive quality to adapt the demand of localization.
Organizational Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations is the core course in the training of students in public administration and management. This course will teach the following topics: motivation; leadership; decision-making; organizational structure; organizational change and development.
The course of Human Resource Management(HRM) is the science of a set of theories, principles and methods of developing ,improving human resources quality, as well as how to use human resource reasonably. It is amajor foundation course that trains students the basic theories, knowledge and abilities related to human resource management. Its main contents include HRM overview,HRM strategy and planning, job analysis, staff recruitment, human resource performance evaluation and assessment, compensation system, employee relations, and etc.
"This is a first class in Corporate Finance. This class involves the answers to three questions. First is the capital budgeting decision, which is about what long term investments should the firm take on. Second is the financing decision, which is about how can cash be raised for the required investment. Lastly, it examines short term finance and concern net working capital and discusses the way the firm manage its day-to-day cash and financial affairs. At the end of this course, students should be able to think analytically about portfolio selection, corporate decision making and asset pricing. These skills can also be used as personal financial decisions."
General Management is a fundamental course for students of management, also an extension course for non-management students. The course will take perspectives of management need, managers, and management process, focus on the framework of management goal, process, and effectiveness, following the lines of institution, decision, planning, motivation, control, cost, change, and mechanism; defining related scope, functions, and rules; investigating theoretical and practical issues; utilizing exercises, simulation, and other types of activities and discussion, with the aim of helping students improve managerial knowledge, practice their managerial capabilities, and grasp managerial laws by taking advantage of multiple angles of material architecture and mechanism.
The goal of this course is to help students understand management of fundamental scope, theory, and methodologies; help students improve the abilities of defining, analyzing, and solving problems; help students prepare a foundation for learning subsequent courses; help non-management students equip themselves with management knowledge.
The content of this course include management need in globalization; managers, management activities, and management goal; mission, directions, and functions of institutions; design of organizational structure and staffing; problems, routine, and non-routine decisions; goal and planning; team behavior, negotiation, and motivation in operations; standardization, process control, and information system; cost/ benefit of management and performance evaluation; environmental challenges and organizational change; the science and art sides of managerial mechanism; managerial thoughts of leaders and their development.
Principles of economics is the basic course for economics major, and also introduces basic economics for other majors.The course is composed of two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We offer basic knowledge of economics in this course, and also enhance students understanding of everyday economy affairs. Most importantly, the course pay special attention to the intuitions of economics through class as well as exercises. We believe economics is not just an brunch of math or others, it has its own perspectives. training intuitions will do help students understan unique perspectives of economics.