国内本科:教育学、科学教育、人文教育、教育技术学、艺术教、学前教育、小学教育、特殊教育、华文教育 ...
比较教育学(Comparative Education)是为了要了解本国与他国教育之间的异同,借由发现各国之间的不同,理解不同国家的教育风格,而本国也可斟酌他国成功的教育经验来弥补本国教育上的缺失。目的是为了了解、研究各国的教育措施与方法,而近一步的比对各国之间的差异,其中夹杂了文化与环境等因素,直接也间接影响他国的教育方法,也因此它与国际学常常搞混,比较教育学以教育为较大的偏重,其中也包含着文化等因素,借由比较他国的教育,近一步的加速了国际之间的交流,也使的各国之间教育的知识与问题逐渐地扩展,促进教育之间的进步。


Institutes :Huazhong Agricultural University

Institutes :Tsinghua University

Institutes :East China Normal University

Institutes :Beijing Normal University
We will argue that "moral education” is an umbrella term for two quite different tasks and approaches. The first, which might better be called moral "socialization” or "training,” is the task of nurturing in children those virtues and values that make them good people. Of course, good people can make bad judgments; it's often not easy to know what is morally right. The second task of moral education is to provide students with the intellectual resources that enable them to make informed and responsible judgments about difficult matters of moral importance. Both are proper and important tasks of schools—and both cut across the curriculum.
This course is for all those who want to find out what psychology can tell us about the nature and development of children. This study is intended for students of psychology , those training to work with children in a variety of professional roles, or anyone just interested in understanding how children develop.
This course is organized around several questions - or sets of questions - about teaching, learning, and schooling. Together, these sets of questions will lead us through an analysis of what's going on in schools and classrooms today and how teachers should behave to maximize student learning. As you may guess, these are not simple questions or issues and... what makes it more difficult... is that there is enormous disagreement about the answers to these questions! Our course has six units and the units and their corresponding question sets include:
Unit 1: What does good teaching look like? Unit 2: What do 21st century schools and classrooms look like? Unit 3: How have we tried to reform education? Unit 4: Is our system of education really in that much trouble? Unit 5: How can kids possibly be bored in school? Unit 6: How can we teach in ways that are deeply engaging?
This lecture course – INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY is designed to present students with a general knowledge of Psychology, including its definition, research methods, and main research domains: i.e., sensation and perception, learning, memory, language and thought, consciousness, intelligence, personality, emotion, motivation, psychological disorders and intervention, social cognition, interpersonal processes, and other topics will be discussed in this lecture. The course is accessible to all the undergraduates except the Psychology majors, who will be admitted to specific curriculum. Therefore, the professor and teaching assistants will concentrate on introducing full-range while elementary phenomena and researches, instead of investigating selected domains or topics in depth. In the end of the semester, students are expected to acquire an understanding of primary concepts, theories and methodologies in general psychology. Moreover, the interest developed in this course may lead students to apply the psychological theories to daily life and get prepared for advanced courses.
This course provides an overview of the widely-used statistical methods in scientific research and the fundamentals of using the SPSS Base System. The course introduces the interfaces and functions of SPSS and teaches the skills necessary to perform a variety of statistical analyses with both user-friendly interface and syntax. The topics of this course include an overview of SPSS, managing data, creating and editing charts and tables, describing variables, conducting t tests, one-way ANOVA, multi-way ANOVA, correlation, regression and advanced statistical methods like nonparametric analyses, factor analysis, reliability analysis and etc. This course has a companion course "SPSS advanced statistics – laboratory”, which is to be taken at the same time.
The basic knowledge of computer, computer operating system, multimedia technology, graphic image processing base, the application of office software, computer network and Internet application.
Basic probability, Statistical inference,Estimation ,Testing ,Regression
This course is designed to help the students expand the principles, functions and concepts of educational management and how they apply in their own workplace.