康复工程学是一门为残疾者康复服务的工程技术科学。是生物医学工程的一个分支。其工作内容包括设计、制造和使用各种各样的器具和仪器,用以恢复和代替人体功能,主要是运动和感觉系统的功能。康复工程技术可用在假肢。矫形器、语言交流、视听、居住及工作环境的调节控制,操纵车辆以及学习和职业劳动等领域。 康复的研究始于第一次世界大战以后,随着工程技术的迅速发展,特别是电子技术和精密器械的迅速发展,康复工程作为一门新兴的边缘学科才逐渐形成
生物医用材料(Biomedical Materials)是用来对生物体进行诊断、治疗、修复或替换其病损组织、器官或增进其功能的材料。它是研究人工器官和医疗器械的基础,已成为当代材料学科的重要分支,尤其是随着生物技术的蓬勃发展和重大突破,生物医用材料已成为各国科学家竞相进行研究和开发的热点。
组织工程是结合了工程学以及自然科学为一体的综合性学科,致力于发展生代材料以修复,替代,提高人体器官及其功能。 组织工程也被定义为理解组织生长的原理,并生产具备功能性以供替代原先组织的临床使用。另一个描述接着说,组织工程的基本假设是,利用该系统的生物将在更换,维修,保养,和/或增强组织功能的治疗策略下取得更大的效益。
Institutes :Peking University
中国工程院院士,国家免疫学重点学科带头人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 ,免疫学家 、国家973免疫学项目首席科学家、“十五”863计划生物技术与现代农业领域专家 ,美国国家医学科学院外籍院士、美国人文与科学院院士、德国科学院外籍院士、法国医学科学院外籍院士、英国医学科学院外籍院士等。
Institutes :Fudan University
Institutes :The Fourth Military Medical University
第四军医大学医学电子工程教研室教授,博士研究生导师。1968年在哈尔滨军事工程学院航空工程系大学本科毕业。现任中国生物医学工程学会副理事长等学术职务,2008年获得军队优秀教师、2007年获得军队育才金奖、立三等功 2次。主讲《生物医学工程导论》课程,被评为学校首批精品课教员,获3项教学成果奖,主编专著2部。
Institutes :The Fourth Military Medical University
1944年毕业于西南联合大学电机系,西安交通大学教授,IEEE Life Fellow(国际电器和电子工程师协会终身会士),是中国生物医学工程的创始人之一、西安交通大学生物医学工程专业的奠基人。近30年来,蒋大宗为西安交大生物医学工程专业的发展倾注了满腔的心血。蒋大宗在计算机辅助医学诊断、功能性神经电刺激、生理信息的提取和信号处理技术、X线数字直接成像和双能量成像等方面均取得了杰出成就
Institutes :Xi'an Jiaotong University
David Weitz
Institutes :Harvard University
Ferrara Kathy
Institutes :University of California, Davis
The main content of the course includes: the basic structure of human body, skeletal and muscular systems, nervous system, somatic and special senses, blood and cardiovascular system, respiratory system, skin and the integumentary system, digestive system, urinary system, reproduction system etc. The course aims to introduce students to human anatomy and physiology, with emphasis on the systems of the body and how they are interrelated.
The course aims to provide a comphrehensive introduction to the scienctific and engineering principles of modern biomaterials for medical and biomedical applications. The couse mainly include three sesseions, which focus on different aspects of biomaterial fundamentals: I)biomaterial synthesis, compositions and properties,II) interactions of biomaterials with biological systems and III) applications of biomaterials in fundamentalreseaerch and industry. This course is suitable for undergraduate students who major in biomedical engineering and related fields.
This course belongs to the Problem-Based Learning series. It lays the base for the junior students to enter the specific direction of the professional learning programs.
In the background of the students have a general background on the field of the basic theory, development of applied technology and disciplines of Biomedical Engineering, the curriculum takes PBL teaching mode, firstly designed a number of industrial and clinical applications in the biomedical engineering problems , and set the course to the complex real-world situations. By students grouping and collaboration under the guidance of teachers, they design the solution for the authenticity of biomedical engineering problems. Within the group co-operation, division of labor as well as repeated discussions and learning in order to understand the implicit in the biomedical engineering expertise behind the problem, they form a set of skills to solve the problem of the field of biomedical engineering, and develop independent learning ability in this area of ??expertise, and ultimately the formation of resolve design of the authenticity of biomedical engineering problems.
This course will introduce digital image processing and its application in biomedical engineering. Then, traditional digital image processing techniques will be covered, including brightness transform, linear and nonlinear spatial filtering, frequency domain filtering, image restoration and registration, color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphological image processing, image segmentation, regions and boundary representation and description, and object recognition. This course can enable students to master the basic digital image processing techniques in the field of biomedical engineering through Matlab programming.
"The course includes an overview of the field of computers in medicine, including a historical review of the evolution of the technologies important to this field. Then we provide a traditional
review of signal conversion techniques and digital signal acquisition, and also the principles of digital signal processing found in most texts on this subject. The intent is to get the students involved in the design process as quickly as possible with minimal reliance on proving the theorems that form the foundation of the techniques. Furthermore, we present some samples of digital signal processing techniques used in biomedical instruments. At last we give a summary of the emerging integrated circuit technologies for digital signal processing with a look to the trends in this field for the future.
Biomedical Engineering (BME) is developed on the basis of the traditional natural sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and the modern sciences of medicine, engineering. It is a oncoming cross-disciplinary combined researchers, technicians, clinicians, rehabilitation workers, and people in many other fields to commit their talents to the solution of human structure, function, and various life phenomena, from multi-level on the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ level to the human body system. It provides engineering and technical means to realize prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation and reproductive health services. In a nutshell, BME is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology and try to seek the gap between engineering and medicine and combine the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to improve healthcare diagnosis, monitoring and therapy.
A course on the basics of analog circuits and digital circuits, including semiconductor devices, the basic amplifiering circuit, integrated operational amplifier, the basis of digital logic, logic gate circuits, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits, Verilog hardware description language, semiconductor memory and programmable logic devices, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.
Mission:Understand fundamental principle and theory of circuit analysis, able to analyze and calculate circuits, able to do practical applications.
Covers electrics, electronics and engineering. Topics include KVL and KCL law; Thévenin`s and Norton`s theorem; time- and transform-domain circuit analysis; two-port Network analysis; lossless transmission line analysis.
"General Biology is an introduction to biodiversity and the process of biological evolution, including the knowledge hierarchies: taxonomy, animal diversity, plant diversity, and evolution theories. With the basic groups of organisms and their distributions as the focuses, the evolution of life as the main line throughout, the course lets students understand the whole situation of biological world and evolutionary rules.
The BME instructional Lab is an advanced experimental course for senior undergraduate students. Its content involves cell biology, molecular biology and physiology. The experiments will associate with the research work in the BME field. And we will train the students how to apply multidiscipline knowledge to carry out small research projects. During the course, we will focus on teaching about the scientific thinking logic and methods, and meanwhile strengthen the instruction for the process. This course will give students more chances to try their thoughts and allow the students to learn from failure. Moreover, the laboratory will be opened to the students besides the class time. The major goal of this course is to improve students’ integrated ability of analyzing and solving problems.
Matlab,CAD,Solidworks,Multisim,Auto Designer,Fluent,Mimics,Gambit,软件(电子设计、仿真方向)