环境设计(environment design)是一门复杂的交叉学科,涉及的学科包括建筑学、城市规划学、景观设计学、人类工程学、环境心理学、设计美学、社会学、史学、考古学、宗教学、环境生态学、环境行为学等。环境设计是指通过艺术设计的方式,对建筑室内外的空间环境进行设计和整合的一门实用艺术。
园林学是研究如何合理运用自然因素、社会因素来创建优美的、生态平衡的生活境域的学科。主要包括园林历史、园林艺术,园林植物、园林工程、园林建筑等分支学科。园林设计是根据园林的功能要求、景观要求和经济条件 ,运用上述分支学科的研究成果,来创造各种园林的艺术形象。

Institutes :Tsinghua University

Institutes :Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

建筑设计及理论研究专家 ,中国工程院院士,新疆建筑设计研究院资深总建筑师,西安建筑科技大学教授、博士生导师。王小东长期在新疆维吾尔自治区从事建筑设计和理论研究,主要建筑作品有新疆友谊宾馆三号楼、库车龟兹宾馆、新疆博物馆等
Institutes :Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

男,1941年11月生,广东惠阳人,1965年本科毕业于同济大学建筑学专业,1993年获得同济大学建筑历史与理论专业博士学位,现为同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,博士生导师,同济大学建筑与城市空间研究所所长,曾任同济大学建筑城规学院院长、同济大学副校长等职。现任中国建筑学会副理事长,上海建筑学会理事长,国务院学科评议组成员,法国建筑科学院院士。2001年当选为中国科学院院士。 郑时龄教授在30多年的建筑创作实践中,致力于将设计与建筑理论相结合,追求创作活动的学术价值;并将学术思想融于建筑教学之中,形成自成一体的建筑教学思想,建立了"建筑的价值体系与符号体系"理论框架,奠定了建筑批评学的基本理论长期从事理论研究、建筑教学和建筑创作活动,出版主要专著4部,译著2部,在国内外发表学术论文50余篇,设计作品35项。他的专著《建筑理性论》和《建筑批评学》建立了"建筑的价值体系和符号体系"这一具有前沿性与开拓性的理论框架。后者以批判精神面向未来建筑的发展,奠定了这门综合学科的理论基础,填补了该领域的空白,并应用该理论在上海建筑的批评与建设实践中起了重要的作用。《上海近代建筑风格》专著获2000年上海市优秀图书一等奖。 他的建筑创作实践表现了创作活动的学术价值,始终关注建筑的历史文化内涵和艺术性,设计出不少建筑精品,其中6项获省部级奖。他所提出的以黄浦江和苏州河滨水空间作为城市空间的核心的思想,已被市政府采纳,带动了城市建设的发展。
Institutes :Tongji University

Institutes :Tsinghua University
Behavior and design of overall structural systems for buildings. Particular focus on systems used for resisting lateral loads (rigid frames, braced frames and shear walls) and for spanning long distances (trusses and space frames; cables and membranes; and arches, domes, and shells).
Drawing, historically the primary means of generation, presentation, and interrogation of design ideas, is currently ill-defined and under stress. This course examines the historical and theoretical development of descriptive geometry and perspective through the practice of rigorous constructed architectural drawings. The methods and concepts studied serve as a foundation for the development of drawings that consider the relationship between a drawing’s production and its conceptual objectives. Weekly readings, discussions, and drawing exercises investigate the work of key figures in the development of orthographic and three-dimensional projection. Ultimately, the goal is to engage in a focused dialogue about the practice of drawing and different methods of spatial inquiry. Limited enrollment.
"Computational machines, tools once considered only more efficient versions of paper-based media, have a demonstrated potential beyond mere imitation. This potential is revealed through design computation, the creative application of the processes and reasoning underlying all digital technology, from e-mail to artificial intelligence. Just as geometry is fundamental to drawing, computation affords a fundamental understanding of how data works, which is essential to advance the development of BIM, performative design, and other emerging methodologies. This
seminar introduces design computation as a means to enable architects to operate exempt from limitations of generalized commercial software; to devise problem-specific tools, techniques, and workflows; to control the growing complexities of contemporary architectural design; and to explore forms generated only by computation itself. Topics include data manipulation and translation, algorithms, information visualization, computational geometry, human-computer interaction, custom tooling, generative form-finding, emergent behavior, simulation, and system modeling. Using Processing, students develop computational toolsets and models through short, directed assignments ultimately comprising a unified, term-long project. Limited enrollment."
Geometry lies at the core of the architectural design process. It is omnipresent, from the initial form-finding stages to the actual construction. While design and geometry share a fundamental interest in form and shape, Descriptive and Computational Architectural Geometry aims to address the various natures of the historical relationship between mathematics, geometry, computation, and architecture. Through the display of historical mathematical models with formal affinities to contemporary architectural production, the course will provoke discussion about the relevance of a history of form, the origins of design technique, the epistemology of geometry models, and the justification for mathematical surfaces in architecture. This course examines the history, theory and practice of parallel (orthographic) and central (perspective) projection. The primary objective is to provide designers with the tools to imagine and represent with precision, dexterity, and virtuosity a continually expanding repertoire of three-dimensional architectural form.
The course study the basic construction method of ancient Chinese architecture, construction, characteristics, the main characteristics of several stages of development, several important turning point; build theory in different times. Studing the development history of ancient Chinese architecture, thinking about some problems in the development of architectural history. Through classroom teaching, extracurricular reading, homework and class discussion exchange study way, complete understanding of ancient Chinese architecture is more overall, system.
The history of the built environment as social and cultural expression from the earliest to more recent times. Themes, theories, and ideas in architecture and urban design are explored, beginning with the earliest written records.
This seminar provides an overview of the basic characteristics and families of "phenomenological” materials, with a special focus on materials and technologies that have a relationship to light and vision. Materials and technologies, such as LEDs, smart glazing, displays, and interactive surfaces, are examined in depth, and some of the contemporary experiments taking place in the architecture profession are explored. Throughout the term, students catalog relevant properties and begin to develop a mapping between behaviors and phenomena. Students have the opportunity to interact with some of the well-known architects who are at the heart of the current experimentation. Each student learns how to coherently discuss material fundamentals and comprehensively analyze current applications. The seminar culminates with each student focusing on a material characteristic with which to explore different means of technology transfer in order to begin to invent unprecedented approaches and applications.
Exercises introduce the complexity of architectural design by engaging problems that are limited in scale but not in the issues they provoke. Experiential, social, and material concerns are introduced together with formal and conceptual issues.
一级注册建筑师(国内),NCARB Certification (美国)