Mission:Understand fundamental principle and theory of circuit analysis, able to analyze and calculate circuits, able to do practical applications.
Covers electrics, electronics and engineering. Topics include KVL and KCL law; Thévenin`s and Norton`s theorem; time- and transform-domain circuit analysis; two-port Network analysis; lossless transmission line analysis.
Other Names
Theory of Circuitry Analysis
Field of Study
Electrical Engineering
电气工程的研究和学习内容包括电能的产生、传输、分配、使用以及电工装备制造等。虽然在国外Electrical Engineering对应的是电子电气工程,但在我国习惯上将偏“强电”的电气工程与偏“弱电”电子工程分为两个专业方向,电子工程的研究和学习内容则包括集成电路、信息安全、通信系统、微电子以及图像信息处理等。
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