Organizational behavior is a discipline aims to search the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organization. Organizations attach great importance to this discipline for it is proven to be of great help to make them more effective and competitive. Also, how to retain the most inspiring people and motivate employee is another question it concerns. It has developed over one hundred years in the western country though only has a short history in China. It is a fundamental class for students major in management psychology.
心理学是一门研究人类及动物的心理现象、精神功能和行为的科学,既是一门理论学科也是一门应用学科,包括理论心理学与应用心理学两大领域。 心理学研究涉及知觉、认知、情绪、人格、行为、人际关系、社会关系等许多领域,也与日常生活的许多领域——家庭、教育、健康、社会等发生关联。心理学一方面尝试用大脑运作来解释个体基本的行为与心理机能,同时,心理学也尝试解释个体心理机能在社会行为与社会动力中的角色;同时它也与神经科学、医学、生物学等科学有关,因为这些科学所探讨的生理作用会影响个体的心智。