Modern control theory is a most basic course in the field of "system and control science”. Focusing on linear time-invariant system, this course introduces the establishment, transformation and methods of solution of state-space equations, the basic concepts and identification methods of controllability, observability and Lyapunov stability. It also covers the decomposition of state space, the realization of transition function, the state feedback and the state observer. And basic contents of optimal control theory are also introduced, including optimality principle, dynamic programming, Pontryagin minimum principle and the optimal regulator of linear quadratic type performance index.

Environmental Engineering
环境工程(Environmental Engineering)主要研究如何保护和合理利用自然资源,利用科学的手段解决日益严重的环境问题、改善环境质量、促进环境保护与社会发展。是研究和从事防治环境污染和提高环境质量的科学技术。环境工程同生物学中的生态学、医学中的环境卫生学和环境医学,以及环境物理学和环境化学有关。由于环境工程处在初创阶段,学科的领域还在发展,但其核心是环境污染源的治理。