In this course, we shall introduce the elementary mechanics to the first year physics-major undergraduate students. The following materials are covered: The motion of a single particle in terms of the Cartesian coordinates and the polar coordinates. Galileo’s relativity principle; Dynamics, including Newton’s laws, equation of motion, inertial frames and the center of mass for many-particle systems; The momentum conservation theorem and collisions between two particles; The concept of potential energy and the energy conservation theorem; The angular momentum conservation theorem and the motion of a particle in a central field; The motion of a rigid body, including its rotation about a fixed axis, its planar motion as well as the definitions of the inertia tensor and the principal axes of inertia; The basic knowledge of liquid such as the concept of the fluid velocity field, the equation of continuity, ideal liquid and Bernoulli’s equation; Oscillations and waves, including the harmonic oscillation, the damped oscillation, the forced oscillation under friction, the elastic waves such as the transverse plane wave in solids and the longitudinal sound waves in gas, the Doppler effect, the reflection of wave, the standing wave and the wave equation; The special theory of relativity, including the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Lorentz transformation, the dilation of time, the transverse Doppler effect, the concept of the space-time vector, the space-time vector form of momentum and energy for a single particle and the Einstein energy-momentum relation.
In the meantime, we shall also help students on making a smooth transition from their high-school experience to the college style of reading and thinking as quickly as possible. That is extremely important for their future success in research.
