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1198 courses found which satisfy the condition "All Majors".
Advanced Mathematics
Advanced Mathematics is designed to serve students majoring in chemical science, computer science and engineering etc. It consists of two parts of a two-semester sequence. The course begins with a rapid review of topics in algebra and trigonometry, which you should be competent in. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 7, is devoted to single variable differentiation, integration and differential equations. It covers the fundamental concepts and theorems. Part 2, consisting of Chapters 8 to 12, discusses in depth multivariable differentiation, integration, infinite series, vectors and the geometry of space.
College Physics
The basic concepts, theories and essential methods of the course are an important part of students’ scientific accomplishment and play an important role in improving talented people's scientific quality, which cannot be substituted by other courses.This course enables students to grasp the elementary knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, wave and optics and modern physics. It provides a basis for the work they will do after graduation in the fields of technology, management and scientific research.
Advanced Mathematics" is a preliminary but fundamental course for students from physics department etc. Calculus can be said the most important part of Advanced Mathematics. Besides Calculus, Advanced mathematics includes generally also Linear Algebra (mainly Matrix theory), Analytic Geometry, Differential Equation Theory, Integral Transformation and sometimes Probability Theory.
Linear Algebra
The content of the course consists of polynomials, linear spaces and linear transformations. This course will train the students with mathematical thinkings and the preliminary ability for solving practical problems.
Probability Theory and Statistics
Basic probability, Statistical inference,Estimation ,Testing ,Regression
C Language Programming
Programming Foundation
An introduction course on computer programming and computer programming language. In this course, students can learn C programming language well and solve simple application problem using C programming language by practical training.
Introduction to Computer Science
It will introduce the history of computer science , the relationship of computer science and mathematics, computer system functions and its components, and the human society develop is how affected by the computer network、data management、artificial intelligence and software engineering techniques .
General Physics
This two-term general physics course includes mechanics, heat, electromagnetics, optics and modern physics. We have stressed those basic concepts and principles that are common to both classical and quantum physics. To deepen understanding of physics knowledge, we have included numerous applications of physics in engineer, technology, biomedical science, and familiar everyday phenomena. We encourage teachers to select teaching materials to be guided by their own interest and circumstances and some topics in relativistic and quantum physics are always included.
Data Structure and Algorithm
Understand principle and theory of Data Structures and Algorithms, able to design and implement fundamental data structures and algorithms.
Covers programming, data structures, algorithms.
Topics include the organization and implementation of fundamental data structures such as list, binary tree, tree and forest, and graph; sorting and searching; data abstraction and problem solving.
Foundations of Computer Application
The basic knowledge of computer, computer operating system, multimedia technology, graphic image processing base, the application of office software, computer network and Internet application.
Social Psychology
Social psychology includes how to interact with individuals and groups, and how groups interact with each other. Social psychology can explain human behavior by using psychology theories. This course includes main theories and concepts of the mainstream social psychology. This course also analyzes how to apply social psychology knowledge to social lives, including interpersonal relationship development, communication and conflict etc.. This course also introduces culture perspective to explain human behavior.
Principles of economics is the basic course for economics major, and also introduces basic economics for other majors.The course is composed of two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We offer basic knowledge of economics in this course, and also enhance students understanding of everyday economy affairs. Most importantly, the course pay special attention to the intuitions of economics through class as well as exercises. We believe economics is not just an brunch of math or others, it has its own perspectives. training intuitions will do help students understan unique perspectives of economics.
General Physics Lab
This course is to let the students study the basic thoretical knowledge, basic experimental methods and techniques of physics by making a series of experiments, to improve their capability of carrying out physics exeriment.
General Management is a fundamental course for students of management, also an extension course for non-management students. The course will take perspectives of management need, managers, and management process, focus on the framework of management goal, process, and effectiveness, following the lines of institution, decision, planning, motivation, control, cost, change, and mechanism; defining related scope, functions, and rules; investigating theoretical and practical issues; utilizing exercises, simulation, and other types of activities and discussion, with the aim of helping students improve managerial knowledge, practice their managerial capabilities, and grasp managerial laws by taking advantage of multiple angles of material architecture and mechanism.
The goal of this course is to help students understand management of fundamental scope, theory, and methodologies; help students improve the abilities of defining, analyzing, and solving problems; help students prepare a foundation for learning subsequent courses; help non-management students equip themselves with management knowledge.
The content of this course include management need in globalization; managers, management activities, and management goal; mission, directions, and functions of institutions; design of organizational structure and staffing; problems, routine, and non-routine decisions; goal and planning; team behavior, negotiation, and motivation in operations; standardization, process control, and information system; cost/ benefit of management and performance evaluation; environmental challenges and organizational change; the science and art sides of managerial mechanism; managerial thoughts of leaders and their development.
Organic Chemistry
A course on the structures,nomenclatures, properties,reactivities and preparations of carbon compounds, including the fundamental principles of electronic and steric effects, key reaction mechanisms, basic organic synthesis, and extensions and applications of these principles.
General Chemistry
This course is a kind of outline course and concisely introduces all the basic principles and concepts of modern chemistry that undergraduates need to know. This course covers the following two major areas: Chemical principles and Chemical theories. The former introduces states of matter, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium (acid-base, precipitation, coordination, redox). The latter introduces the structures of atom, molecular and crystal.
Methods of Social Survey and Social Research
This course--Methods of Social Survey and Social Research is designed for finding and solving kinds of social problems, providing the basic principles、programs、methods and applications of social research methods.
The main methods of social science research are statistical survey method、Field study method、Experimental method and Method of literature. This course is going to leading students to study and use those four methods, setting up the basement of their future study of special fields in social science.
Financial Accounting
Conceptual introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis is placed on wealth and income measurement and the preparation and interpretation of conventional financial statements.
Introduction to Sociology
This course is designed to introduce students to foundemental concepts, theories and methods in sociology. It will also focus on helping students to learn major topics and perspectives in sociological research in China and wordwide, strengthening their professional identity as well as building a sense of social responsibility